This one is a Hard Call..The father is responsible for his sons death..He knows it... Do you lock him up for stupidity?..He`s already suffering... He will pay for the rest of his life..
You protect the child from their idiotic parents by not allowing people to setup stalls to fire off guns.
Really, there is no need for it.
Americans are always keen to remind the world that the are a D-E-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y and yet, they then show complete lack of trust in it by claiming that they need to arm themselves in order to be on the ready to fight against the very government that they put there.
You can't have it both ways. Either your democracy works and you don't need the guns or your democracy is broken in which case STOP trying to export it to the rest of the world OR you just have a lot of nutters who have no business running round with dangerous weapons and they should be taken away from them.
Again though, like free-speech, guns are GREAT for business ... if your business is the legal system.
Yes, gun crime happens in Canada and the UK and in other countries as well but we can debate the issue without resorting to crazy absolute claims of "we're all allowed guns, end of discussion".