A. Fenderson:
Your wording couldn't be more accurate or to the point: you can only describe it as God. Buddhists may feel something very similar if not nearly identical to you, and yet they possibly can only describe it as their inner Buddah nature, or a glimpse of Nirvana, or whatever terms they choose to apply to it, based on their understanding of their faith's concepts together with a limited experience or learning with the terminology and concepts of other religions, human psychology/physiology, etc. Feelings of this nature are 100% subjective, non-universal in the human experience, and demonstrably subject to interpretation through a necessarily limited reference frame.
If other people are having these experiences then it indicates that they could be universal. Just because the interpretation of it differs and is subjective to each individual does not make the experience subjective because it is a reference to our understanding of the experience and not the experience itself. We each experience the warmth of the sun subjectively but that does not alter the universality of sunshine.
I only know what I know from my own experience, and the initial experience shook me to the core and changed me considerably. I am no longer an atheist.
All of this is a given, though, so the question becomes--if it is God, why does he choose to ignore the vast majority of us?
Since I cannot agree that your initial statement above is a given, my questions become, why do the vast majority of us choose to ignore, for a lack of a better term, God? You have acquaintances and friends. Who are you more likely to help out when they call you late at night? Would God respond any differently? Of course, even with your friends, sometimes your answer is still no.
I think of God as a creative force and not a sky daddy who is supposed to do my bidding. I am an adult and can take matters into my own hands. Even when I feel the guidance and creative flow of "God", I still do the work myself and do not expect him to do it for me. I am not looking for magical help, merely guidance as to the best course of action. However, if I ever start levitating or walking on water, I will be sure to take a couple of photographs and you betcha this forum will be the first place I post them. LOL