Being honest with yourself, could you have reasonably adjusted your attitude and continued on as a JW?

by miseryloveselders 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • bafh
    We simply don't have enough information. No baby, you don't have enough information but it's out there if you want it and are willing and not afraid to look. ~MrsJones5

    I wouldnt agree that we dont have enough informatiom. We have enough information that proves the watchtower is a lying and destructive cult. Now, some people never read through all the information. But many who have could never go back. ~ YourMomma

    I was referring specifically to Bible prophecy...a lot of churches teach similar things...but I don't believe that any human has enough information to make dogmatic conclusions about any unfulfilled prophecy. The WT tells us not to speculate, but personally when I read the magazines, all I see is speculation. If they would just say "hey, we don't know about ______. Let's focus on applying these principals of love, forgiveness, blah blah blah and be better people while we wait to see what happens." I would be thrilled. But they will never do that.

    And yes, I do believe there is enough information about the WT Society itself to make anyone really have serious questions. If they were willing to be more transparent and willing to address questions or doubts directly, that would help me. But they aren't and I'm a person who requires a lot of information if I'm going to accept new ideas or reasoning.
  • jay88

    Sac-Others just ignore what they don't like and take what they do.

    I took what WTBTS taught wayyyyyy to seriously.

    Those who seemed to have success to what can be called the 'Balanced JW' took the best of what the 'society'(WTS) had/has to offer(from their perspective)

    and did what the f*** they wanted within context.


    Have we not heard of slavery time stories where the Master decides to free some of his slaves?

    The slave has all his family and friends working for the Master.

    The slave is also aware that he is ill-equip to survive in the world outside of the umbrella of his master.


    The definition of what a "Jehovah's Witness" is, differs for each member----all 7 and half million.

    Perhaps Paul had it right, be whoever you have to be, to be as happy as you can.

  • blondie

    I was inactive twice before and went back, so I say yes. The third time was too much to push away or hide from. Reading Ray's books and Steven Hassan's books has guaranteed that I will never go back a gain.

  • tec

    In answer to the question, I was searching for the Truth. So, no, I could not have continued on as a JW (to becoming one, that is), because it is not the Truth.

    I do not however, blame the entire organization for the acts of a few. Anyone can act outside the edicts of an organization or person, and still call themselves a follower of that person or organization. So I would not blame the organization for those who act against their edicts. However, it is the edicts of the WTS that I have issue with - df'ing, reinstatement process, deceit/half-truths, lack of mercy, placing themselves in Christ's seat, etc.

    I can also understand love of the people, without love of the organization, which is where you seem to be, Misery. I think that must make it tougher for you.


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    A thread that certainly gets you thinking. Thanks MLE.

    I find it sad how we as JW's have been taught that we don't attend the meetings or are part of the org for people, but rather for Jehovah. That can be a serious mind game if you truly believe it. "Let me endure because it's for Jehovah" is a thought built on nonsense. And yet how many times has it been repeated?

    Misery, I read your posts and I wish I knew you personally. I find myself at times thinking that way, though not so often. If you still believed what apostates said was false, this would be an easy decision. But when you have seen the REAL proof, well therein lies the challenge.

    I can honestly say that if I didn't have "pressure to perform", there is a good possibility I could stick around for the long haul. I'm very laid back and have always been well liked by people. That drew me to continue moving ahead, or up, or whatever. And I tolerated much because it didn't really bother me. I love people and to be around them and being a witness gives you that opportunity regularly. But that's just not a good enough reason to "adjust" my thinking. I've done it for too many years because of that 'making your mind over' scripture.

    And then came the day when those gnawing thoughts couldn't be ignored. Do I want to live a lie? No I don't. As painful as it may seem to leave 7.5 million people behind, you have to remember that there are billions of others to meet.

    My beef is not with my current congregation or my last. It's with this authority figure that's claims to be God's channel. And unfortunately, trying to continue being a JW and adjusting my thinking only continually exposes others, as well as myself, to their twisted thoughts.

    So at this point and with what I know and feel, NO, there is no adjustment, ON MY PART. It's their turn.


  • ziddina
    "Being honest with yourself, could you have reasonably adjusted your attitude and continued on as a JW?..."


    Oh, my gosh!!!

    You're kidding, right???

    I hated the religion from the time I was 5 years old - when my nutjob parents responded to a Watchtower door-to-door salesman...

    I had to keep my mouth shut about it - as George Carlin says, "No sense in getting the sh*t beat out of you EVERY day...", but man, I HATED being in that religion.

    Personally, NOTHING good EVER came into my life as a result of that religi - sect.

    Misery Loves Elders, it sounds as if you're located in one of the warmest congregations in existence. Most people haven't experienced quite that level of love within the Watchtower organization...

    But your comments are very telling:

    "My beefs with the organization stem from how much my upbringing has affected my life as an adult , and not being able to express all of my views with fellow JWs for fear of ostracism. To put it simply, I'm not a fan of the WT's micromanagement..."

    And then this comment:

    "At the same time, I have to admit that there's plenty of institutions everyday people are a part of, that during their involvement with, they cannot speak their mind too openly. Such as school, or your place of employment. ..."

    I think you need to examine that analogy much more closely... In what place of employment or school would your very THOUGHTS be patrolled and censored?? Where - other than in prison, for extremely violent offenders - would you be punished by something akin to solitary confinement???

    Anyway, my gut-level survival instincts rebelled against the edicts and atmosphere of the religion - sect - cult - from the very beginning. An "attitude adjustment" wouldn't even BEGIN to cover that level of unrest and discomfort...

    I could never SERIOUSLY "go back", though I have frequently toyed with the idea of 'going back' UNDERCOVER, just to look at the dynamics within a typical Kingdom Hall - and to observe how the increased level of control exerted over the typical Witness nowadays is affecting their level of comfort and emotional state of mind...

    And no "attitude adjustment" necessary. I would be free to think my own thoughts, without interference.

    Ahhhhh!!! Blessed freedom!!


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome bafh!

    I continually had to readjust my attitude to continue on as a Bethelite and stay a JW. As the Bethelite thing fell apart for me, I decided I could just continue as a JW. With anti-depressants I was able to do that... for a while. But now I'm honest with myself and I can't continue as a JW. I'm trying for the fade. But whatever happens, I'm going forward with my life, which means going away from JWs.

    Maybe I would feel different if I was a sister and not pressured with "privileges"... but if I was a sister, I wouldn't want to marry a brother whose first love must be the org. Frankly, if I was a gal, I wouldn't go for the pioneer/Bethelite that I used to be, I'd rather go for a responsible, entertaining, smart, money-making, hot-bodied older stud that I will become.

    Or maybe I'd feel differently if I had a wife and kids "in", and we had a wonderful congregation with lots of fun social activities... but that's increasingly rare. But the biggest problem is that JW isn't a religion that will let you have any freedom of belief or movement. Most religions aren't nearly as restrictive about your actual beliefs, who you marry, what you celebrate, what you wear, what you listen to, what you think, what sexual positions couples enjoy, etc. There is no way that I could adjust my attitude enough to continue through the everlasting "Last Days" as a JW spending my weekends recruiting when I know it's all a snare and a racket!

  • punkofnice

    Nope! That's why I left despite my wife and daughter staying in. I resigned as an elder in my 50's which is why the wife thinks it's just mid life crisis. No. It's crisis of conscience!!

    Go to big business anti-Christ cult indoctrination sessions? I couldn't do it.

    I really don't know if I believe in God anymore.

    I know what I really don't belive and that is the governing body are god's mouth piece. They are the 'filthful syliva' and if there is a god, I wouldn't want to be them!

  • ziddina

    Wowiiieeee, Cult Classic...

    "We decided that we had a duty to ourselves to examine everything we had been feeling, thinking and experiencing. We allowed ourselves to question and discuss whatever we wanted. And we reached the conclusion that we were right and Watchtower was wrong. That was a huge deal for us. ...."
    "We had spent our entire lives adjusting our attitude to fit the JW mold. We heard the clock ticking, not on "this old system", but on our very lives. There was no turning back. ..."

    DYNAMITE points!!

  • Awen

    While I couldn't adjust my attitude and way of thinking, what I could and would do is adjust how I related to the Organization. In my opinion the rank and file JW's are decived just like Eve was. Although in their hearts they know God's laws and that there is a difference between what they know and the stuff coming from Brooklyn they won't give it up because of their love for YHWH. Unfortunatley the Governing Body has convinced many through careful manipulation that they are God's channel and to rebel against them is to rebel against God. The Bible shows this simply isn't the case in regards to YHWH's dealings with apostate Israel and the many prophets he sent against them.

    So for me, I have been entertaining the notion of going back and being kind to the DFed ones, showing love and compassion and if reinstated (which is not really a concern of mine) trying to slowly lift the blinders off others. I have no illusions about how hard a task it will be, but love for others compels me to at least try. I can only do so much on an internet forum, so for me it has to be a person to person encounter. I'm sure I will be looked upon as the most evil and vile thing to walk on two legs and I accept that notion. After all Jesus and the Apostles were looked upon in the same way, but to do any less than to pick up my cross and walk with Jesus would be tantamount to disowning him.

    Besides the following scripture makes me feel this is what I should be doing. Not for my sake, but for the love of Christ.

    Matthew 10:37-39 "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

    Your mileage may vary of course.

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