Being honest with yourself, could you have reasonably adjusted your attitude and continued on as a JW?

by miseryloveselders 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thursday

    Nope, once I know something is right/true I cannot pretend as though it isn't.

    I was miserable and knew that I could not continue living my life being miserable every day.

    I had been suicidal in the past and did not want to go down that path again, ever.

  • factfinder

    There are so many good posts here!

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    sure, I'll adjust my attitude as soon as those taking the lead (the GB) adjust their attitude.

    I promise, I will humble myself. I will ask for forgiveness. I will tell all my friends and family and those who looked up to me that I am sorry I couldn't stick around in this bullshit of a religion. And I will do this as soon as the Governing Body sets the example and shows me how.

    As soon as the Governing Body issues formal apologies for their misleading propaganda and their wrong interpretations of the blood policy, I will start preparing to adjust my attitude.

    In the meantime, I've got a real life to live. If the GB and massive amounts of WT leaders ever start to adjust their attitude - somebody let me know.

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    The attitude adjustment problem starts at the top. All I ever learned from the Watchtower was how to make excuses. In all my years at bethel, not once in morning worship did I hear the words: "I'm sorry" or "We're sorry". I never saw those words in a single watchtower in all the decades of my life.

    I did however regularly hear and read the words "The FDS is not infallible". More often than not, those pathetic words of an excuse are usually not even uttered by the GB themselves, but rather their minions writing the WT for them. Or somebody giving a talk that is not a GB member. I have downloaded almost every recorded talk by all the GB members that some Witness uploaded. Guess how many times they said "I'm sorry" ... ZERO.

    I come here though, and see apologetics like Doubtfully and Spade/Alice and Reniaa/Debator - you know how many times they try to quote the GB saying they're sorry? ... ZERO. But every other post seems to rationalize them with the "no infallibilty / not inspired" excuses, over and over.

    So you see - I am one of those that have learned from example. I don't know how to adjust my attitude. All I've ever seen are those who tell me to follow their example, never even say sorry for their major errors. They know how to twist words and blame others, by using expressions like "jumping ahead" and "Jesus and Jehovah trust us, so should you". Therefore, I wouldn't know where to begin my attitude adjustment. I'm afraid I'll just have to continue in the same stubborn attitude that I was taught to imitate in the Watchtower.

  • factfinder

    Welcome Bahf!

    just n from bethel- that is so true- wt always blames the publishers- you ran ahead of Jehovah. They NEVER say they are sorry or were wrong.

  • exwhyzee
    I have to admit that there's plenty of institutions everyday people are a part of, that during their involvement with, they cannot speak their mind too openly. Such as school, or your place of employment. Why should we expect any more with any religious institution?

    There is more to it than not being able to speak openly such as at a place of employment where you fear some unfair employer would get rid of you if you were to be truly honest and say what you are thinking. You might expect this kind of unfair behavior from mere worldly men. The difference is that THEY (JW's) claim to be led by the one true God. They are mankinds direct connection to him....the only way to eternal salvation is by submitting to and following their direction. They taught us to expect more from expect them to reflect the love of God, to expect a loving brotherhood, afterall these are the things that would identify them as the true religion. They claim to be the only truth and light in the world, yet time and time again their truths have been completly wrong,rearranged or deleted. Millions of publications with misinformation were spread by volunteers old and young all over the globe. People altered their lives and based everything around their claims only to be told decades later that what they learned and trusted, was wrong and an adjustment in attitude on their part would make it all better. If you disagree with your boss at work, speak your mind and get fired, your friends and family can still talk to you and you are free to find other employment. You don't feel damned by are even free to seek legal aid in correcting an unfair situation. The JW's so thoroughly convince their members that there is nowhere else to go because all other avenues to God are based in Satanic worship that thousands and thousands of them are just playing along because they are so deep into it that they have no other choice.

    As you say, there are plenty of institutions that people are involved with that are the same...yes, but most people leave them as soon as possible.

  • free2beme

    Not in the least.

  • dgp


    most people leave them as soon as possible.

    And they don't have to lose their friends and family.

  • LongHairGal

    MISERYLOVESELDERS: The answer to your question is "NO". Before I found out the dirt on the JW religion on the internet in the year 2000, I actually agonized how I was going to make a "Go" of it without being damaged. I don't know if you can actually appreciate just how damaging this religion is - especially to single women. The attitudes are absolutely intolerable and not something I could put up with even if I bought the bill of goods.

  • jookbeard


    will think about this and post later

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