Robdar well to be honest the advice I have received here has been very helpful! Of course some advice was not needed but for the most part everyone's input has given me something to self reflect about. A person that has been "trained" does not always give good advice as well. Thats where it takes for me to weed out the advice thats not beneficial and taking in what could be of advantage(just like what I did on this forum). Its was comforting to hear experiences from people who have dealt w/ something similar as oppose to just relying on the advice of someone who may have not first hand experience. Just because a person is trained in that particular field I would still use discernment as to whether I want to accept the given advice.The whole bi-polar thing was a figure of speech and I do plan on talking to someone about my anger issues. I can think of a whole bunch of other conditions my mood swings could be tied to esp conditions relating to women....
BTW I noticed u said u were FIRST attracted to your husband because of his brilliant mind and not his looks. Unless u are blind I dont see how the FIRST thing that attracted u to ur husband was his mind...Or of course u met him over the phone? Like I said there's nothing wrong with that.... Other than that we are visual creatures...u have to first be attracted to them and then get to know their personality... At first what u notice is a person's looks,if they are attractive,hygienic, their style,etc. If an attractive person has a nasty personality well that just makes them plain ol ugly. If their personality is great that just boosts their attractiveness
We would love to say that personality comes before looks aswhat attracts us to a person but its really not true at all. But if u really think about it, when u get older and your looks are not the same as u were when u were younger personality pretty much comes before looks...