Fallen out of love with Husband?

by bloominglotus 108 Replies latest social family

  • bloominglotus

    The physical abuse is not often....Im a be honest I really do provoke him and start the physical assualt sometimes which I shouldnt knowing that he suffers from PTSD. When angry sometimes I would know how to push his buttons....

    @BTS thanks for your advice....complete 360 but anywhoo...yes I understand that PTSD just doesnt stem from the military. Any traumatic event in a person's life(natural disasters,car accidents,etc) can leave one suffering w/ PTSD. U know when u said that 'I have great talents and powers and that I can use them to heal his heart if he choose' that really touched my heart and was somewhat of a life affirmation for me. I am studying to become an herbalist and is learning that herbs from the earth can help with so many conditions ranging from physical illness to mentall illness. I am trying to come up with this herbal blend that will help with depression. But the thing is he is not really interested in trying it out... Personally it has helped me....But im still very much a work in progress.....

    @snoozy thanks for the welcome and your advice....I really dont want to just throw my marriage away and really want to make it stronger. For some reason though I have my qualms about going to a professional for help about it.....

  • BurnTheShips

  • SixofNine

    I got PTSD from reading BTS' comments.

  • BurnTheShips

  • bloominglotus

    JRK, thanks for the book recommendation I will definitely check it out.

  • dysfunction

    You know what I was going to leave it alone, and thought to myself you are a big girl and know what abuse is. However, I am concerned and I want you to know that physical abuse if done once, will eventually happen again.If ever need help call the hotline.

  • beksbks

    Burn, I'm begging you to edit.

  • bloominglotus

    dysfunction I appreciate your concern but to be honest we would be calling the hotline on each other..... after it occurs we both feel horribly wrong...I must say that we BOTH have anger issues and I know at first I came off playing the victim role but to be honest we are BOTH victims

  • Botzwana

    Get a RealDoll and avoid the whole thing! They make them for males too. They are always hot looking, they never say no. You don't have to treat them to a meal to get some...It's a win win!

  • beksbks
    dysfunction I appreciate your concern but to be honest we would be calling the hotline on each other..... after it occurs we both feel horribly wrong...I must say that we BOTH have anger issues and I know at first I came off playing the victim role but to be honest we are BOTH victims

    And must surely make for great sex!


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