Shamus well I cant say that no one had any valid points. But then again can be just as helpful esp. they themselves are dealing with some issues.... the only difference is Im paying them an arm and leg for advice LOL
Fallen out of love with Husband?
by bloominglotus 108 Replies latest social family
Bloomin' there's a bill in the mail for our services
Monkey, that just makes me think of a rather unpleasant scene from Pulp Fiction!!!
*Can they be helpful if they themselves are dealing with some issues*
Well, nice to see this place hasn't changed one little bit. Everyone posting the same stuff, even monkey jokes. Things just never change.
G'dnight all.
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray dear Scully Burns account to keep
If he should sober before he wakes
Too bad it'll be too late for him to edit his foolishness like I tried to tell him while there was time the loon, my gosh what gets in to that guy...........
Does anyone else get the feeling that BTS account may have been compromised?
Be interesting to know if it's originating from same isp as usual.
Cause if it's not been hacked, he's on something similar to Charlie Sheen.
These are not the hackers you are looking for. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.
he physical abuse is not often....Im a be honest I really do provoke him and start the physical assualt sometimes which I shouldnt knowing that he suffers from PTSD. When angry sometimes I would know how to push his buttons..
Surely you know better than that?
Please say you do...