Translating the NWT in the Shadows

by JuanMiguel 123 Replies latest watchtower bible


    wonderment the NWT is a good translation from Curtains.

    I beg to differ Curtains. There are numerous examples of changed texts in the NWT. Words added and changed to give the impression that things are different than they really are.

    In the first 2 sentences the corruption begins when the NWT reads that God's active force was hovering over the water. please....

    John 1;1 reads the word was God, not a god. The watchtower would have you believe that, in Greek, if you have a singular noun appearing without the article 'the' before the verb, the indefinite article 'a' is required. Making the translation 'a god' rather instead of God.

    When you study the the 1st section of John [a john? ;) ] 1;1-18. Theos occurs 8 times in versed 1,2,6,12,12 & 18. The NWT translated God as God 6 times, translated 'the God' once and 'a god' once.

    That's poor to say the least. That is deceptive corruption of the true word of God.

    In other words, that is an example of scripture not suiting the Watchtower's mental taste, so they changed it.

    oh, boy. Don't get me started!


  • palmtree67

    Really enjoying the discussion here!

    I'm going to check Amazon for the NABRE Bible later today.....

    Carry on.....

  • Curtains

    TTWSYF, I've checked with a friend and taken a detailed look at the verses you mention and disagree that the NWT expresses distortion - of this I am convinced. I'd argue that the text itself is ambiguous and then that translators translate according to their own particular mythology. At John 1:2 mind you I think the NWT is closer than translations that render logos en theos as the word was God (captial G), the word was divine/godlike is most accurate and the word was a god is the next best thing whilst the word was God is much further away. Other parts of the NT can agree and disagree with all three interpretations

    Same goes for Gen 1:2. The nwt isn't distorting the text here either. If the NWT seems to disagree with your particular beliefs then I can understand why you would question how these verses are rendered just as Jehovahs witness, in expressing their own traditions, would take exception to the verses being translated to express particularly catholic traditions.

    edit: I'm trying to be as objective as I can. But I agree with anyone who says that the NWT actively distorts when it tries to insert the name Jehovah where the test is obviously referring to Jesus. Rom10:13 for instance

  • Wonderment


    >>When you study the the 1st section of John [a john? ;) ] 1;1-18. Theos occurs 8 times in versed 1,2,6,12,12 & 18. The NWT translated God as God 6 times, translated 'the God' once and 'a god' once.

    This argument don't hold up. It is the same argument that's being passed around erroneusly.

    The construction of John 1:1c is different from those other texts. Even translators other than WTS do the same thing in chapter 1 of John. There is a good reason for that.

    See below for a throrough explanation of John 1:1c.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Juan Miguel - you wrote: " Hola, JuanViejo. Soy Juan Joven! LOL

    Great info, from Juan to another (we could have a show together called 'Juan on Juan with Juan Viejo and Juan Miguel.' "

    I love it. Very creative play on words. Unfortunately, I am just a plain vanilla, white-bread gringo with two years of high school Spanish. So our discussion would have to be in basic West Coast USA English for me to understand anything you said.

    "Juan Joven" - I love it!

    I am Juan Viejo because I am literally "Old John." My avatar is that of Alphonso Bedoya, perhaps the most famous of all Mexican bandidos in movie history. While he came off as a simple-minded fellow in his movie rolls, he was well-liked and admired among his actor friends. They all said that he could be very intimidating one minute and soft as jello the next. Everyone said he had a great heart and was a loyal friend. That's why I chose him to represent me.

    Of course, I am also known as "ExJWdotCommie" on some other forums. But that is an entirely different story.

    I think your presentation of this subject is one of the best ever in connection with Bible translation and the backroom politics connected with the process. The Watchtower is not well-known publicly for its politicking behind closed doors, but those who have been close to Bethel are well aware that it is present and has a long history among the leadership of the Society. It's not about holy spirit guiding them; it's all about who can benefit their own career in the Society.




    Curtains. You asked a friend and you went through the verses and found that you disagree with my information, right? Tell me, is your friend an ancient languages scholar?

    Instead of asking your friend, why not look into the vast resources that you have at your finger tips. I am not a scholar [by any stretch], I do however have access to scholarly material....just like you. Search for 'online bible comparisons' and you will find the scholarly resources that will give you true interpretations of the scriptures in Greek, Aramaic, Latin, Hebrew, etc. You can see exactly how each word is translated and compare them to other translations.

    Wonderment- ditto. Of course these arguements hold up. Look it up yourself. Whether it is an old arguement or not doesn't matter. What matters is what's true. The Watchtower wil assert that the NWT is the most accurate translation in the world and will tell of scholars who support their positions, right?

    In the KIT, the Watchtower uses the work of biblical scholar Julius Mantey to support it's translation of John 1;1. When Mantey found out he wrote a letter to the Watchtower [letter dated July 11, 1974] goes as follows.

    You quoted me out of context...{I}t is neither scholarly nor reasonable to translate John 1;1 'The word was a god.' Word order has made obsolete and incorrect such a rendering. Your quotations of Colwells's rule [of Greek grammar] is inadequate because it quotes only part of his findings. You did not write this strong assertion: "A predicate nominative which procedes the verb cannot be translated as an indefinite or a 'qualitative' noun soley because the absence of the article." Colwell and Harner have stated that theos in John 1;1 is not indefinite and should not be translated as 'a god'. Watchtower writers appear to be the only ones advocating such a translation now. The evidence appears to be 99% against them.



  • Wonderment


    I have looked into it. Thoroughly... and I believe you easily fall for misinformation. Citing Julius Mantey for support is poor scholarship. The argument that u posed on John 1:1, is not true. Harner, Wallace, Dixon, BeDuhn and others do not support your argumentation. See all articles below where your arguments are dealt with. Check out below the distortion brought about Colwell and Mantey. Mantey's objection proves little as to the wrongness of WT quoting its work. We all should strive to be less gullible!

    I do have a problem with some of WT ethical actions, just as u likely do likewise, but the NWT holds up under scrutiny. It is better that what some here will ever admit. Just giving some credit where it is due. Of course, I have other favorite translations that I enjoy as well.

  • JuanMiguel

    Hi folks. Had a moment to stop by and see how threads were progressing here and what the latest news was. Interesting talk on this one too, I see.

    A Crimson Herring Does Still a Red One Make

    Now the argument that the NWT is right or wrong in rendering certain texts, like John 1:1, is actually a moot one at best. The reason is that, technically speaking, the NWT is correct that certain texts, like those in reference to Christ being identified with God, can often be translated in another way that would not necessarily violate rendition principles.

    That doesn’t mean that one should render the texts in question that way. It just means that, if one wants to look at it from a mere technical point of view, some of these renderings might not really be found wanting in expressing the basic ideas found in the original language text.

    And many critics of religion are also right when they charge that it is dependent upon one’s point of view or theology how one translates these verses. Why? Because it is also true that the way these verses are generally rendered in most translations is also correct, technically speaking.

    In other words, there can be several “correct” ways in which to render a given text into a target language. But “correct” does not necessarily guarantee precision, and that’s the rub. (So both are arguing points that are technically correct...You are both right, technically speaking...techincally, that is.)

    Carts Don’t Come Before Horses, Otherwise They Don’t Make With the Moving

    We must remember that Jehovah’s Witnesses are under the impression that Christianity must be based on Scripture in order for its worship to be “right” with God. In other words they reduce Christianity to a religion based on a book (which, when taken to its logical course explains why many atheists compare the process to stumbling over a Harry Potter book and making a religion based on what reads there).

    This form of sola scriptura is not to be confused with that accepted by mainstream Protestants, like Luther and those who came after him. While claiming the Bible as authority, they did not claim Scripture as the first cause. The theology of the Witnesses tends to leave its adherents with this view, even when not explicitly expressed.

    Authority is always expressed in the Church, because Christ gave his authority to people in it, people, not to a Book. The Church itself is the cause of the Bible, and not the other way around. If it were not for the authority of the Church, from bishops who pronounced its canon to the layperson whose acceptance of it from the pew, there would not be a Christian canon of sacred writ. Christians made their Scripture, not vice versa. The Church existed for a time without the Bible. But the Christian Bible would never have existed if the religion invented by Christ did not come about first.

    That being so, if one is to translate its Scripture correctly, one has to recognize that it is the Book of a community of believers, reflecting their thought, their views. When questions as how one should render a certain thought properly into a different language, one makes an incorrect rendition when the translation contradicts the meaning the community that created it intended.

    While the Witnesses may claim to be the spiritual descendents of the true Christian church, their claim fools neither believer nor unbeliever. Their views do not match the tidbits of specially selected blurbs from some of the first Christians that they often publish in their Watchtower to promote their reason for NWT renditions. One does not claim authority in the voice of the Church Fathers while forbidding its members from regularly reading and studying them (by contrast the Church Fathers' writings are still read daily in the universal prayer of the Church, called the Liturgy of the Hours, during Vigil or the Office of Readings).

    The renditions found in the NWT are technically correct but theologically heretical because they totally refuse to accept the evidence that the Bible’s people mean something beyond the technical in these instances. It's not a matter of what is correct or incorrect. The argument is a moral one, namely which rendition is right and which is wrong, which is orthodox and which is heretical, which is good and which is bad.

    You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But You Can’t Make It Believe That It’s the One With the Reflection of a Long Face

    I can’t make a person who doesn’t want to believe this accept what I just wrote. On another thread people actually got upset that I said a religion has the right to make up its own religious texts and put whatever it wants in it. So sorry Dalai Lama, but you can’t write any more books until you check with some of these folks first.

    On top of rejecting what is written in Church history and theology since its beginnings, from the Didache to the Church Fathers and onward, those who translated the NWT had the audacity to give no evidence as to why choosing the technical renditions is more authoritative that the teachings of those who composed and canonized it. And to do such renditions in the shadows and then have the nerve to look surprised when critics called them on it, well that's what this whole thing is about.


    Wonderment, thank you for the reply. Wow, you have done a lot of research, it seems you're looking in the wrong places my friend.

    Juan, your subtle and gentle touch is a quality that I should try to emulate more often. Thank you.

    Question Wonderment, 'are you Curtains friend that he wrote of earlier?' just curious. Let's get crackin, shall we? Wonderment wrote

    I have looked into it. Thoroughly... and I believe you easily fall for misinformation.

    I doubt both of these assertions from you, particularly the 1st assertion.

    Citing Julius Mantey for support is poor scholarship.

    The Watchtower cited Julius Mantey for supporting it's own version of translation, not me.

    The argument that u posed on John 1:1, is not true.

    It is true. Over 99% of translators render the John 1;1 as 'the word was God [or Divine]. Less than 1% as 'a god'

    Harner, Wallace, Dixon, BeDuhn and others do not support your argumentation .

    Honestly, I do not know those names, could you be more specific please so that I may research their positions?

    See all articles below where your arguments are dealt with.

    I did see those arguments, so let me answer as briefly as possible. 1st off, is not a scholarly resource. It is a social publishing site. As I stated in my other post, if you were to search for an 'online parallel bible, you would then have access to the hebrew, greek, aramaic, etc etc interlinairs and see for yourself how accurate the NWT is.

    Be that as it may, I did look up and view your link of John 1;1. On the surface, I could see how someone would believe seeing that documentation that 'the word was a god'. Especially when it says 'the correct translation of John 1;1' If only it came from a known reputable source... For the record, I know that there are translations that render John 1;1 incorrectly, that is not proof of accuracy in their translation. These folks are listed as supportors of 'a god' instead of 'God'

    Jeremias Felbinger died 1690 - held many unitarian beliefs and was a strong anti trinitarian

    Reijnier Rooleeuw MD - couldn't find out much about his beliefs, but to think that the word was a god infers some kind of polytheism, doesn't it?

    Edward Harwood His early training was as a hand-loom weaver, but he subsequently became a professional musician in Liverpool. 1 His first collection of psalmody, A set of hymns and psalm tunes, was published in London in 1781, 2 and a second collection, entitled A Second Set of Hymns and Psalm Tunes was published at Chester in 1786. 3 He died in 1787. 4

    I noticed no info about his academic credentials and his translation is listed as ' A Liberal Translation of the new testament; being an attempt to translate the sacred writtings with the same freedom, spirit and elogance with which other English translations from the Greek classics have lately been executed'

    Thomas Belsham -an English Unitarian minister was an American evangelist and theologeon who had several views [religious and social] that were considered extremely radical for his day. He died in 1844

    John Samuel Thompson -another Unitarian minister who claimed that spirit beings helped him with his appropriate

    Check out below the distortion brought about Colwell and Mantey.

    What distortion? Did you know that Mantey threatened the Watchtower with a law suit if they didn't retract their position that he supported their position. You can't write this stuff... Of course the WTS would try to discredit his work after he corrected them.

    Mantey's objection proves little as to the wrongness of WT quoting its work.

    True, but put that with the rest of the evidence and it is quite overwhelming against the Watchtower position.

    We all should strive to be less gullible!

    Amen to that!



  • Wonderment


    I have no connection whatsoever with Curtains.

    If you would have throroughly read those links I suggested, you would not have made some of those comments. For instance, Wallace, Dixon and Harner are well known grammarians. BeDuhn is a respectable scholar as well.

    Citing Mantey's threats to the WTS means so little. It means he (and only he, because Dana did not complained publicly) was not in agreement with the way the WT quoted them. It does not mean the WT was wrong with the quote. That is in itself arguable. Mantey was a highly emotional Baptist scholar, who not only hated the WT, as some do in this site, but was clearly wrong in so many of his statements. I like his Grammar very much, but when theology got in his way, he easily became fired up. If u want to find out about some of his errors read those links. His argument that 99% of scholars disagree with the WT is wrong. If u look up those links and refer to the one on John 1:1, you will see that there are plenty of scholars disagreeing with Mantey. And that list of Jn 1:1, although quite extensive does not report ALL scholars with a similar view. I venture to say that about 1 in 5 scholars veer away from the traditional reading. Of course, I may be off, but definitely is not even close to 1%. That 1% is a hoax in itself. And it seems u fell for it.

    Colwell is another scholar cited frequently in support of the deity of Christ. However, other scholars have reviewed his work and concluded he is wrong in many places. Wallace, a Pentecostal grammarian, and trinitarian at that, takes Colwell to task, as has done others.

    And coming back to the 99% argument, that is a very dangerous premise. Throughout history, many a times the majority had views, which time proved a minority was right. The earth being flat was one of them. If u lived 600 years ago, and someone came up to u and told u he believed the earth was round, would u have told him?: "Take a hike, 'cause 99% of people can't be wrong."

    Similarly, 400 years ago, many scholars were sure that in some way their religious view was the correct one. A few hundred years later, we find out some of those scholars were wrong with some of their views. Understand this: The majority view is not always right.

    When Jesus walked upon earth, was the majority religious view the correct one, or was it the "unlearned" minority that stuck with Jesus? In fact, the bible says that "the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one." And that Satan is the "ruler of this world."

    So be careful when attempting this 99% right argument. Mantey was surely wrong with it. U don´t have to be a victim of his hatred.

    As to the WT being wrong in so many things, I have no doubt. But I believe in fairness, and try to analyze sources of information from different angles. I am convinced that EVERYTHING the WT teaches is not necessarily wrong. I believe religious people interpret the bible right and wrong at different places at different times. Many a times, when people condemn the WT, I conclude: Not so quick. They may be right on this one. The NWT is branded as a piece of junk by some ex-JWs. I know better. I have examined the NWT in so many places against the Hebrew and Greek text, and I find, someone in the WT had sufficient knowledge to tackle bible translation. It does not matter much to me if 99% condemn it, I found out by myself that that is not true. I don't like WT politics and their self-interest moves to control and dictate as they please any more than u do. But to conclude they can't be right in some things, it would be a mistake. I still listen to what they have to say. And most definitely, I listen to the Baptist, Catholic, and the Jew. I don't place all my faith in one worldly basket. Only Jesus is the way to God. (Not Mantey, or Colwell, or Metzger, etc)

    The religious folks in general are right and wrong in some things. Humility helps us to listen to all sides and consider all angles. I admire many scholarly works, but I see them as limited helpful bible guides, not the final word. What today a scholar may consider truth, in 50 years from now, it may look only as a flawed argument.

    Some of the much publicized arguments against the NWT have been addressed by other scholars with a different angle. Surely some in the audience know what I am talking about. People may have their favorite argumentation for a given passage, but common sense and context will finally dictate the correct rendering.

    In Jn 1:1, it literally says that 'the Word was with the God, and god was the Word.' So, if the Word was with God, he could not be that same entity. Verse 2 tells us that 'this one was in the beginning with God.' There is a difference then, between the Word and God. Verse 14 says that 'the Word became flesh.' Not God, but the Word. Verse 18 says that 'no one has seen God at any time, but the only-born God has explained the Father.' Thus, if no one has seen God at any time, and some of mankind has seen Christ, then logically, Christ is not the God, but someone like God, a god himself, or divine being. Trinitarians will dislike this view, to put it mildly, but the important thing is: Was Christ ever uncomfortable by saying he was just "Son of God"? Was he ever uncomfortable saying: the Father is greater than I am? Did Christ feel regret when he said that his Father was his God and everyone else´s too? (Jn 20:17)

    Did Jesus have a problem saying that 'his Father was the only true God'? No, so why shoud we then? Why should we insist on making Christ the equal to God in every way, when Christ himself did not have a problem of admitting that he was subject to his God. After Christ went to heaven, he still was subject to God, and even had to receive a "revelation" from God. (Rev 1:1) Almighty and all-knowing God NEVER has to receive a "revelation" from God. God needs no intermediaries. But Christ can be a Mediator. God NEVER needs to be a mediator. God is supreme, and Christ told us he owes his existence to God. (Jn 6:57)

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