Wow, a fired up tread to say the least.
1st, my apologies if my ranting has offended the good people here. Faith, like politics and other fiery topics has people forget their manners.....I'm of course speaking of myself.
I expect no Catholic fan club on I know that there is a wide margin of passionate beliefs here. We are speaking of the NWT, so let's not get off topic about how many books we have. We all have access to viable info at our finger tips.
Hey Terry, Thanks for your reply, you make a good point that there are no original transcripts available. Everything that we have is a copy of another. That being said, it is also noteworthy to be reminded that the Christian [and Jewish] faith and traditions were passed on orally, long before they were put to writings. When the apostles went out after the Pentecost, they did so without a new testament. They spoke the new testament orally and that was their way of teaching until the written word got confirmed. That oral tradition was the church and the written scriptures confirmed what they had already established. Right? I mean how many people were literate 2000 years ago. Hell, how many people were literate 200 years ago? Not many at all. Most were illiterate.
If you say that Mary isn't just as important why is one of the main prayers that we were taught to say repeatedly over and over the Hail Mary ? Why were we taught to pray to her? Where is the prayer to pray to Jesus?
All prayer goes to God through Jesus Christ. You know this yet you still try to convince folks [maybe yourself] that Catholics worship Mary. Of course that's not true. The Hail Mary prayer is not worship of Mary, it is asking her to pray for us. As Mary was the one who had Jesus change water to wine when Jesus didn;t want to, so can we appeal to her for her prayers on our behalf. As you are aware, the prayer of the rightous man has more weight than your average Joe. Because Mary is the most blessed woman ever, her prayers have more clout.
And while I'm on the subject of prayer...why the hell were we praying to saints?.....who says they are so holy?
We ask saints to pray for us for the same reason...prayer of the rightous man has more weight. Check Revelation and see how the angel presented the prayers of the saints with incense to God. People who knew them [saints] and witnessed their life say that they're holy by the example of their life. Catholic heirarcy will listen to the petitions and then research the subject to see what the fruits have been. Not fruits of making more Catholics, but of giving their life to the causes of charity, the poor, the sick and/or the orphaned. These same saintly subjects then must have supernatural occurances related to their interccession. Things like healings of incureable diseases, hardships, illnesses and such.
So I'm not sure who you think you are saying that I didn't check out my own faith? Since I never chose it. I was simply exposed to it.
That was so rude of me, and I'm a little embarrassed. Please accept my apologies. I thought I was talking to my own JW brother.
If you would like to compare Catholics with JW's I have a recent example for you. I asked my friend (who is catholic) the other day which bible version she used. Her reply "The Holy Bible" she didn't have the foggiest Idea that there were different bibles.
That doesn't surprise me. Catholics don't go around telling everyone that they have the most accurate bible and all others are corrupt from Satan's teachings. Also, it is up to each individual to hold on to what is true and discard what it useless.
But I would argue that you cannot speak for all JW's and make sweeping statements that most do not know about bible cannon. Otherwise, I could use the same argument about Catholics.
The point that I was making is that JWs come to the door trying to teach about the bible and how other Christians are part of Satan's organization. They tell of a great many things like 'our bible's the most accurate, Jesus died on a torture stake, there is no hell, Jesus is not God, Peter was not the 1st pope, Jesus never told Peter he was the rock to build His church, etc, etc, and when you confront them on these issues that they just told you with authority, they must retreat and say that 'these arguements have been going on for centuries'. That's not what they said at the door. At the door, they lied.....lied for the TRUTH tm , and it also went into their translation. How many times have you quoted that 'I don;lt want to believe in a three headed grotesque god'? You know that the Trinity is not a three headed monster god. jeus
meant respectfully, even if it doesn't sound that way.