I've been outed...

by brotherdan 303 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    " Yes Outlaw stop being a dick for 5 minutes. You are the master of dickheadery! You've established that. You love to kick other's when they are down. Here's a thought. Get a REALDOLL. Take your frustration out on it. You'll thank me later. "


    I know no good 'n well you ain't tryna chastise Outlaw,

    You only been out of the Watchtowers grip for only 2 minutes

    and of all people you pick Outlaw to try 'n' set straight

    you need to think twice before you post. talk about dickheads

    your the best example of one.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Outlaw... I'm sort of a Corner Gas Evangelist here. A few years ago when my cousin from Edmonton paid us a visit he brought us the first season. We have been buying each season as they became available in DVD. We have loaned them to people and bought copies as gifts. Everyone we have shown it too thinks it is very funny. I think it is one of the funniest shows ever.

    Am I becoming a highjacker? Maybe nothing quite that severe. Maybe I'm only the equivalent of a carjacker.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Outlaw may be a dick, but he's OUR dick.

    Wait, that sounds wrong, doesn't it?

    Point is, there's a place for both subtlety and in-your-face reality. Outlaw's the JWN reality check dude.

  • Mad Sweeney
  • wasblind

    That's alright IQUIT,

    I'll get it back on track, Dan compare the number of hits on this thread to the number of responses

    I could be wrong, but I got a feeling more people are shakin' their heads in discust.

  • miseryloveselders

    OMG, I had totally forgotten that it was BD's wife that was giving out BJs in the alley and all. If that's true and she had the nerve to out you then make sure she gets her JC too. Idk, I'm starting to think it's possible that this story is too outlandish to be true but what do I know.

    Whoa Whoa Whoa, Dan's wife was doing what? I didn't know that.

  • tec

    Misery, she more likely made that up and threw it in Dan's face to hurt him.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    DELETED, BECAUSE I HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE THE PAST WITH THE CLICK OF A BUTTON. (Just as long as I do it within the 30 minute window permitted by JWN.)

    I wish I could do this in real life... like when I say or do something stupid, I'd like to have 30 minutes to take it back. Alternatively, I suppose I could take a bit longer to think about things before I say/do them.

  • wasblind

    Good mornin' Tammy,

    from what Dan has told us about his wife's behavior It seems she really wants out


    Dan posted it on a thread and then snatched it before the 30 minutes was up

  • tec

    It seems to me that what Dan is going through is a normal stage. Not everyone goes through it perhaps (or isn't as vocal or sharing as he is), but Aussie Oz posted that he went through it. Hated himself, believed all the garbage his wife told him about how evil he was. We all respect him, but he went through this too. SD-7 is also going through it, and shared almost as much as Dan. Some people got fed up with hearing it from him, but many love and feel for him.

    I just wanted to point out that when enough people have reported going through and feeling the same thing, then perhaps we should keep in mind that there is something valid about these feelings. Yes, Dan needs to pull himself together for the sake of his children, and himself. He needs to get therapy (even if only a few sessions as someone suggested) if he can't do it on his own, and it seems he can't. But he also needs to know that he is not alone in feeling this way, in being blamed for everything, and that others have gone through this same thing, in the same stages.


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