They really are pooping their pants over these latest "signs"...

by undercover 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    I've seen a few threads/posts where some of y'all have heard from JW contacts and how they've stepped up their 'the end is close' rhetoric because of the earthquake/tsunami in Japan. I usually take those things with a grain of salt. There's always some JW whose cheese has slipped that reads prophecy into every little thing that happens. Whenever a larger event happens, yes, it does cause even the more sensible JWs to at least sit up and wonder, "what if...". But after a week or so, things are back to normal in dubland. The last time I saw real JW panic was right after 9/11. One elder all but said it was the start of Armageddon. Ten years later and he's still waiting...but I digress...

    The earthquake/tsunami and resulting nuclear nightmare does seem to have the dubs in a state of emergency. I'm hearing from dubs who I would never have labeled as irrational or over-reactionary. Not only are they going out of their way to 'encourge' me to come back, they're making statements about how close we are and this is it...the end. Coming from a couple of the more loopier minded ones wouldn't have been worth reporting...but these are normally ones that are pretty unflappable. They're freaking out enough to visit me and encourage me to come back before it's too late. There was urgency and fear in their demeanor...yet a sense of vindication, like.. "Yes! we were right! We'll be saved!" I guess they feel guilty about feeling happy about my imminent destruction and felt the need to warn me of the impending disaster that is set to befall me...

  • flipper

    UNDERCOVER- My 80 something year old JW mom mentioned the Japan earthquake to me and my wife on the phone last night- but fortunately she didn't go there with " you know what THIS means Flipper ! " LOL ! If she had done that I would have started enumerating to her about the 1805 earthquake that made the Mississippi river run backwards and scared the $hit out of the Native Americans making them think the Shawnee chief Tecumseh and his brother " The Prophet " had some " special " powers of prediction as they had said it showed they were sent from God.

    What happened to Tecumseh ? He was killed in 1813 at the Battle of Thames by the American government and he and the Shawnees were massacred. So much for " special powers " . Jeez. 1805 was just another huge earthquake in history through thousands of years time

  • LostGeneration

    Its cult life.

    Everything is wrapped up in their biblical Armageddon and their WT designed new order.

    They didn't invest in this life, whether it be career, hobbies or education.

    They boarded the WT train, and most are going to ride it wherever it takes them. That train takes them to the grave eventually, but the scenery they enjoy along the way is filled with windowless kingdom halls, or empty neighborhoods as they drive around the territory in their four door cars. Every once and a while something really bad in the world happens, and they think the train is finally pulling into the station...but it keeps chugging along to nowhere.

    This too, shall pass.

  • villabolo


  • oompa

    ditto wife is all over the recent quakes...not just japan...keeps telling me i need to really prayerfully think about it........oompa

  • Magwitch

    Yes, the JW's that still communicate with me are absolutely ecstatic about the lastest earthquake.

    This is just the kind of stuff the GB needs to keep the fanaticism going.

    My parents are calling me around the clock in hopes of reaching my heart before I am sentenced to everlasting death. Thank God Spring Break is almost here, and my cell phone will not work where I am going. Maybe they will calm down by the time I get back.

    Lost Generation - Great comparison


    I`ve lived through so many WBT$/JW..

    "End of the World Announcements"..

    It`s boring..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • straightshooter

    I noticed my wife and others are expressing the same urgency that the earthquake in Japan signals the end being real close. But I remember that every major catastrophe signals the end being right around the corner.

  • jam

    Think about the mental state of the every JW today. There,s not

    much to rave about in JW world. The same old BS until something

    like this occur, it gives them hope for A short period of time. It

    rejuvenate their faith, it strengthen their faith. They are pooping

    their pants because this is A small victory for their side, ( in their

    delusional mind).

  • sir82

    It must be exhausting, all this anticipation that "this is the end!!!!" and then...a slow nothingness.....until the next disaster....then repeat....

    I'm sure it's not coincidental that so many JWs are on antidepressants, given this lifestyle.

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