They really are pooping their pants over these latest "signs"...

by undercover 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Carl Jonsson makes some good points in his book "Sign of the Last Days -When?" He examines the "signs" in Matt 24 and Luke 21 and actually shows that Jesus was warning people DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THESE THINGS -THE END IS NOT YET. The actual sign Jesus mentioned in Matt 24 v 3 Jesus doesn't start to explain until he describes the SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN in the heavens.

    Just another school of thought.

    I didn't know about this book, but I had heard those views (and agreed with them) before. There's a thread on that topic I recently started. Apparently the research has been done already. I'll have to pick up that book.

  • Snoozy

    All you have to do is look up "List of earthquakes" to see we are experiencing nothing new!

    As far as Jesus coming and Gd's destruction of the old world and the making of a new world..what makes people think that if God screwed up the first time he will do better the second time?

    Shouldn't God be able to get man/earth right the first time?..Maybe he is just playing games with us, add a little spice to his long days...

    I am sure we are quite entertaining to him..


  • punkofnice

    The wachtower harps on about the objection that people say earthquakes aren't increasing it's just that they are now being recorded better is wrong. I think this was in a recent mag.

    Yeah. Well they would poo poo a totally valid doesn't fit their agenda. $$$$$$$$$$$$

  • zarco

    It is a heartbreaking catastrophe, however a simple review of the Black Death in 14th century Europe where 30 percent to maybe 70 percent of the population died might help put some of these modern day disasters in perspective.


  • Gayle

    No increase in earthquakes - the facts

  • skeeter1
    A History of the End of the World: How the Most Controversial Book in the Bible Changed the Course of Western Civilization

    A History of the End of the World: How the Most Controversial Book in the Bible Changed the Course of Western Civilization [Hardcover]

    Jonathan Kirsch
  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Here is a question for the JW's. Is this really a sign that the end is here, or is it just an 'unforseen occurence that befalls us all'?

    There is a high probability that many will say the time of the end, while completely forgetting that not even the dear Lord Jesus claimed to know the day or the hour.

    Things that make you go........., hhhhhmmm.


  • d

    Time will go on and people will claim the end is near.If the world did not end during WW1 and WW2 what makes you think, it will today in 2011.

  • exwhyzee

    I was listening to the news yesterday and all the talk regarding the negative effects the bad economy has had on the country over the last three years. Then I remembered that 3 years ago when the economy was considered good.....the news had nothing but doom and gloom and that no one could possibly survive it.

    Good news doesn't sell and it doesn't motivate people to do what you want them to like fear does. Pervayors of doom and gloom always seem more acurate people pay more attention to them....just in case.

  • streets76

    Does anyone happen to know where the need is greater? 'Cause I'm willing to go there and serve.

    [Breaking out into song:] Lord, here I am, send me, send greater honor could There BE, LOOOORD!! Here I am, send me, send me.

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