It is common knowledge by now that the human brain is not fully developed till age 25. Informed consent is hardly possible at 12 or even 16! It's deplorable that parents can shun their own family like that. As they clamp down harder on them it only makes them run away faster! ROT ROT ROT! you Fing CULT!
June 15th WT, Trap Your Kids in the Cult
by LostGeneration 62 Replies latest watchtower bible
Christ Alone
One thing that the Watchtower pushes is Baptism because they believe that it is essential for salvation. Nowhere in the Bible does it say this. Baptism is obedience. It is a public testimony that we ARE saved. It does not give us salvation. Salvation comes through our coming to Christ Jesus. Not Baptism in itself.
Yes I agree with 'ChristAlone' my parents said that at 15 yrs of age they could no longer carry me into paradise, I had to get baptised to get everlasting life...