One thing the WT got right was the Trinity being false.

by miseryloveselders 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    There is more than one explanation of the trinity doctrine.

    I don't believe in any of them, personally. Recently, I've started thinking that making Jesus God takes Christ away as the mediator between man and God, rendering him as something of a symbol. Then we turned to other mediators, men speaking to God on our behalf... sort of taking Christ's place, as that is His task.

    Just something I've been mulling over.


  • JeffT

    I agree with Outlaw on this one. It is a classic "strawman" argument. The WTBS says that people believe something that is not in fact what they believe, then proceeds to have an agrument with itself about the belief.

    The Trinity is much more complex than what you have outlined. My Zondervan encyclopeida spends three pages of small print on it. My personal take is that it is a human effort to describe something that we cannot understand. Religion is not the only place we do this, read a good discussion of quantum mechanics or string theory and then try to explain it to somebody.


    The one thing I do know..

    Is everyone who believes the Trinity..Does not agree with the WBT$ explanation that 3 are one..

    It`s a WBT$ Fabrication..

    JW`s are being trained to argue about something,that doesn`t exist outside Watchtower World..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • Giordano

    Experience tells me that when a religion comes up with a wachy belief it's to seperate themselves from other religions or to try to be more appealing or explain the unexplainable.

    So why was the Trinity invented? What did it accomplish? What problem or puzzel did it solve?

  • DanaBug

    I don't find it any more laughable than anything else Christians believe. They have their scriptures to back it up, it makes sense to them. I don't think it was just pulled out of thin air, some scriptures needed a better explanation and this was one idea. I don't really get it either but I can see how someone can believe it. I think if it was that important to the god of the Bible, he would have made it absolutely clear either way.

  • PSacramento
    My personal take is that it is a human effort to describe something that we cannot understand.

    I agree with Jeff, as you can see by Paul's words to the Philippians, He believed Christ to be the same form as God, hence God in nature if not personality.

    The trinity was man's attempt to explain Paul and John's and other passages that can only be expalined IF Christ were God by virtue of being begotten of God.

  • sabastious

    Jesus was a son of God because he believed he was created by God. He crowned himself king of all humans because he knew he was leagues ahead of his time and thought being their king would help. We'll never know since his blatant superiority to his contemporaries ending up getting himself turned into a martyr; and real life martyr's tend to become rich and vibrant myths.


  • sabastious

    It was after he died when people starting telling the story with Jesus being God, I believe.


  • sabastious

    Which begs the question:

    Does history prove that a revolutionary martyr is worth more than an inevitable dictator?


  • diamondiiz

    Religion proves that anyone can interpret any writing to their own liking and make followers. Some will believe in hell, some won't. Some will die for trinity while others will die for Jehovah or Allah. Some won't marry while others believe multiple wives are supported by scripture. What is right or wrong just depends on what your preference is while in make belief world there isn't a true right or wrong as it's all imaginary.

    If there is a caring God, he would have revealed himself to mankind and I'm not talking about few people who claim to hear God's voice - this goes for all faiths not just so called Christian faith.

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