Atheists believe in nonsense too.

by NomadSoul 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • poopsiecakes

    baristaman, the suspense is killing me!!!!

  • baristaman
  • baristaman

    Somebody needs to upgrade their forum software.

  • Scully

    Oh, I know you did not just diss the Flying Spaghetti Monster!! nuh-uh!!

    May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage. Ramen.

  • baristaman

    Oh, sure, NOW it posts!!!!! So.....anyway. I don't think it's nonsense. The idea that we are the only inhabited planet is not only mathematically impossible, IMO, but is is also rather arrogant and presumptuous of us to think that we are the only ones in an ever expanding universe. We are all just ants on a hill and there are billions of hills out there.

    PS I think the trick was to add an emoticon......fingers crossed.

  • simon17

    "mathematically impossible IMO"

    An unusual pairing of phrases

  • NomadSoul

    Who the hell is the Flying Spaghetti Monster? I've read a couple of times and wondered.

    Yeah I can say I don't know, but still believe that there must be something out there. The universe is so out reach for us, I just wish I had something to contribute to the quest of the unknown! But all I got nothing.

    SweetBabyCheezits, you are right. From now on, I DON'T KNOW!

  • unshackled

    Being able to say "ya know, I don't know" is pretty damn refreshing. I think I'm just gonna make that my default answer for everything.

    This is a good default. When I left the Dubs and didn't know how to define myself I'd say I was a member of the Church of I Don't Know.

    As for other life somewhere in this universe....not an illogical thought at all. Estimated 2 billion earth-like planets in the Milky Way alone. Then consider there are at least billions of other galaxies. Building blocks of life like amino acids and water have been discovered on asteroids. Billions and billions of rocks with life building blocks flying around the universe smashing into planets. Earth is covered in craters. Every now and then, odds would be that somewhere they'd smack into a planet in the sweet spot for life.

    But really...I don't know.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Alright, I don't "believe in nonsense" but some things are not ruled out. It's not the same as SKY DADDY with many of these.

    Life on other planets: Makes sense. Life seems to flourish on earth, so there may be other "water worlds" out there where the primordial soup got it's jump start. Some may be very very different from us in that they never advanced or advanced way past us.

    Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster: While the Loch Ness Monster was a proven hoax, that doesn't mean there are not water creatures we have not found. Certainly, there is enough evidence of other advanced mammals that did exist and died off to demonstrate that one species could remain elusive, such as Bigfoot. We have the little "people" of Flores (google it) and Neanderthals.

    Even Sky Daddy, if some real evidence were to surface, I could change my view. But I know that the Bible is a farce and there is not a loving creator that has earned my worship.

  • FollowedMyHeart

    Baristaman, I'm glad to see that you are not a quitter, very persistent!

    It seems to me that, not only are atheists willing to admit when they don't know something, they are also open to new ideas if the facts support it. Many atheists would even believe in a God if they're show reasonable, logical, proof.

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