going from imagination to reality is a difficult task.
For most, yes, dear NomadSoul (peace to you!), but certainly not for all. Man had to imagine flying before he ever really could. Right?
Spending our time inside our own imagination though is limiting.
I believe that there are a plethora of artists, writers, scientists, inventors, physicians, educators, explorers, and more... who would absolutely and wholeheartedly disagree with you. Indeed, if one CANNOT imagine it... one cannot bring it to reality. Unfortunately, such a comment shows just how limited YOU are, dear one.
There have been several people in history that have made reality of their imagination.
While I would assert that there have been many more than "several", I would also ask: isn't this a contradiction of what you just stated?
Christianity has a lovely history of annihilating races in God's name.
Not that I advocate "christianity", dear PC (peace to you!), but surely such history is not limited to "christianity" - MAN has a history of annihilating man... including entire races... and for many reasons. While it is often most prominent, "in God's name" is only one such reason (and note, please, other religions do so in "God's name", as well). That reason, however, is just an EXCUSE man uses to justify his heinous actions to those who buy it (the excuse). And many do, unfortunately.
We never read how the atheists went on an ethnic cleansing campaign.
In recent history, no. But you unilaterally rule out tribal conquests, even barbarianism. You forget about the conquests of the moguls, etc. And for some reason you limit such cleansing to "christianity." Not that I support "christianity" in any way, but a whole lot of recent "ethnic cleansing" has been done by one of the "other" three largest religions in the world today. Religion had has a GREAT influence on the destruction of man - absolutely NO doubt about it. But atheism is not without its share. China killed female infants at one time; the former USSR played a role, as well.
Yes, let's blame "christianity" and religion... because they are culpable and reprehensible, absolutely NO doubt. But let's not overlook the underlying cause/impetus behind these... which permeates even non-religious/atheistic factions: the desire of man. To dominate and hold power over his fellow man. THAT is the bottom line behind it all. "In the name of God" is only an excuse, one most find more palatable, and so is used more often by far.
If you think that the elimination of religion will lead to the elimination of man trying to dominate man, however, you're fooling yourself. They just won't have "God" to blame it on any longer.
Again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,