Atheists believe in nonsense too.

by NomadSoul 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    You are jumping to your conclusion from what P.C said Tammy.

    He has just never met anAtheist who was also an A-hole. neither have I, but we are sure they exist.

    The only conclusion I draw is that a good majority of Atheists are good people, I have met many, and never abad one yet.

    Alien life out in the Universe somewhere , probably

  • tec

    I don't think I jumped to a conclusion. Note the bolded part:

    I have also never met an atheist who was a bigot or racist or homophobe, either. For those things, you need God in your life


  • PublishingCult
    I have also never met an atheist who was a bigot or racist or homophobe, either. For those things, you need God in your life
    Well, I sure have. So your conclusion is untrue.

    Was your atheist bigoted, homophobic or racist? It wasn't so much a conclusion I was making as it was and observation. Christianity has a lovely history of annihilating races in God's name. We never read how the atheists went on an ethnic cleansing campaign.

  • tec
    Was your atheist bigoted, homophobic or racist?

    Yes. And I know at least a handful personally. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they would kill someone over it, but the prejudice is there. Or perhaps the prejudice is just a symptom of anger looking for someone to blame for whatever misery they have in their own lives. I don't think THAT part is any different in a believer.

    (oh, you meant which one? LOL. Homophobic is always the biggest among men of any belief/non-belief, in my experience, especially when it comes to their sons. Bigots absolutely... and I just looked up the definition, and that can apply to many atheists on this board as well - toward people of faith. Racist as well. Not to the point of genocide; just to the point of racist comments/using racist words, and even believing some of those comments)

    It wasn't so much a conclusion I was making as it was and observation.

    Okay, so your observation was untrue ;)

    Christianity has a lovely history of annihilating races in God's name.

    As do most religions yes. It is something to be ashamed of, and a sign to me at least, that they were not actually listening to Christ, but rather to other men... kings and governments, etc.

    We never read how the atheists went on an ethnic cleansing campaign.

    No. Not in the name of their atheism, at least.

    I did wonder about something the other day, and I'll go look it up, but I'll also pose it here. The japanese suicide bombers. What was their motivation for that? Did they have religion?


  • AGuest
    going from imagination to reality is a difficult task.

    For most, yes, dear NomadSoul (peace to you!), but certainly not for all. Man had to imagine flying before he ever really could. Right?

    Spending our time inside our own imagination though is limiting.

    I believe that there are a plethora of artists, writers, scientists, inventors, physicians, educators, explorers, and more... who would absolutely and wholeheartedly disagree with you. Indeed, if one CANNOT imagine it... one cannot bring it to reality. Unfortunately, such a comment shows just how limited YOU are, dear one.

    There have been several people in history that have made reality of their imagination.

    While I would assert that there have been many more than "several", I would also ask: isn't this a contradiction of what you just stated?

    Christianity has a lovely history of annihilating races in God's name.

    Not that I advocate "christianity", dear PC (peace to you!), but surely such history is not limited to "christianity" - MAN has a history of annihilating man... including entire races... and for many reasons. While it is often most prominent, "in God's name" is only one such reason (and note, please, other religions do so in "God's name", as well). That reason, however, is just an EXCUSE man uses to justify his heinous actions to those who buy it (the excuse). And many do, unfortunately.

    We never read how the atheists went on an ethnic cleansing campaign.

    In recent history, no. But you unilaterally rule out tribal conquests, even barbarianism. You forget about the conquests of the moguls, etc. And for some reason you limit such cleansing to "christianity." Not that I support "christianity" in any way, but a whole lot of recent "ethnic cleansing" has been done by one of the "other" three largest religions in the world today. Religion had has a GREAT influence on the destruction of man - absolutely NO doubt about it. But atheism is not without its share. China killed female infants at one time; the former USSR played a role, as well.

    Yes, let's blame "christianity" and religion... because they are culpable and reprehensible, absolutely NO doubt. But let's not overlook the underlying cause/impetus behind these... which permeates even non-religious/atheistic factions: the desire of man. To dominate and hold power over his fellow man. THAT is the bottom line behind it all. "In the name of God" is only an excuse, one most find more palatable, and so is used more often by far.

    If you think that the elimination of religion will lead to the elimination of man trying to dominate man, however, you're fooling yourself. They just won't have "God" to blame it on any longer.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • NomadSoul

    Aguest, Yes, I am limited. And unless you have contributed to progress of humanity, you are also limited.

    1. Imagination to Reality. Difficult. Check.

    2. Imagination to Reality. No results. Yes you are limited.

    3. Several peple have done it. Check. I haven't, have you?

  • AGuest
    Aguest, Yes, I am limited.

    Glad you can acknowledge that, dear NS (again, peace to you!).

    And unless you have contributed to progress of humanity, you are also limited.

    I think I have, in my own small way.

    1. Imagination to Reality. Difficult. Check.

    For you, perhaps... check.

    2. Imagination to Reality. No results. Yes you are limited.

    For you, perhaps... limited, yes.

    3. Several peple have done it. Check.

    Yes, so check.

    I haven't...

    I'm not entirely sure I would agree with that but, again, good that you can acknowledge it...

    have you?

    I absolutely have. Many times and in many ways. That I don't go around tooting a horn about it is simply because I personally believe that whatever it is I did... is what I should have done anyway. And so no "public" acknowledgement is warranted or necessary. My contribution(s) are small, yes, dear NS... but they are contributions. And yes, I absolutely do believe they have contributed to the progress of humanity. ANY good that is done toward one's fellowman, that benefits one's fellowman, that helps/assists/shows tender compassion for... or teaches... one's fellowman... to the betterment of them BOTH... is a contribution to the progress of humanity. I am very sorry that you have not experienced such because the JOY it brings is immeasurable. And one doesn't need a Nobel or other "prize" as an acknowledgement. The joy is sufficient, both for the giver AND the receiver.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • NomadSoul

    Alrighty then..... I don't know what to say to delusion.

  • james_woods
    The idea that we are the only inhabited planet is not only mathematically impossible, IMO, but is is also rather arrogant and presumptuous of us to think that we are the only ones in an ever expanding universe.

    EXTREMELY unlikely, mathematically, but I would not insist on saying impossible. At least while we still do not know.

    BTW - I knew a pretty intelligent guy who insisted he was an athiest, but who also believed in Scientology in all it's glory - including the "evil alien" Xenu.

    Indeed - the words "we just do not know" are some of the most profound in all human thought.

  • AGuest
    I don't know what to say to delusion.

    If you're speaking of what to say as to your own delusion, dear one (again, peace to you, truly!), which methinks you are, how about:

    "Since I can't deny... or respond knowledgeably or intelligently to the commenter's statements... I've nothing left but to throw out a 'straw man' argument and attack her personally, which, if I would allow myself to at least be truthful... is meaningless as well as ridiculous."

    Will that work?

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


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