I was not invited and have not gone since 2001.
Memorial - How many on here went and how many didn't?
by IMHO 115 Replies latest jw friends
no, last one 2002, never will again, so much bs
I had to go because of my mom =/ And did u know what i noticed, they use the same exact biblical texts as last year, the same order and everything! So it really is the same thing every year, nothing different, i dont understandthe big deal they make of it
No. I am not interested in "upping" their numbers that they list in the WT magazine.
I had occasion to listen in on a telephone connection because I was caring for an aged parent. I must say that like the last two time I attended the talk was pretty mediocre. I used to give the Memorial talk and I spent considerable effort to make the talk special and the occassion solemn. Now it seems like the guys are reading a laundry list. Don't know if it's because the speakers are not very good, are just lazy, or if it's because the Organization seems to have sucked the life out of most meetings.
I stay under the rader so they don't even know who I am.