Memorial - How many on here went and how many didn't?

by IMHO 115 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    You mean they already had the Memorial????

    Oh, that's right... The first full moon after the spring solstice.... Yeah, that just can't have any earlier, heathen, goddess-worship significance to it...

    I'm surprised that they didn't paper our neighborhood with invitations... But I had a very pleasant evening without engaging in worship of a recently-generated Middle Eastern male god....


  • sooner7nc

    Didn't go. Drank too much. I'm fine now.

  • yourmomma

    didnt go, as i will never set foot in a kingdom hall again, ever, for any reason.

  • strymeckirules

    i bought a wonderful bottle of 70$ red ice wine and 3 varietys of unlevened crackers and had a little meal with respect to Jesus with 3 friends. it was a great time.

    later on in the evening i had another little wine and cracker session with a family member and we discussed what the meal means. GOOD TIMES.

    i understand it now as a very simple ceremony. Jesus wants his followers to all get together and eat a meal "on him". he even allowed wine so you would have a good time! you just gather with friends that believe in the man and have a meal together. very simple. this proves you are his friends, by accepting his hospitality and partaking in the meal with him.

    whatever trickery and word twisting about the celebration comes from MEN. Jesus just wants you to have supper with him.

    i would never go to the JDUB version again.last year was the last time.

    it would be a great time for jesus to return at memorial and witness everyone rejecting his supper.

  • flipper

    Didn't attend. Haven't for 7 years. Didn't miss anything important

  • NeonMadman

    Didn't go, for the 11th year running.

  • heathen
  • GLTirebiter

    I extended my perfect record: I never went when I was married to a Witness and I'm not about to start now! Instead, I stayed home, ate some pizza, and drank a beer.

  • Mary

    I went.

  • skeeter1


    Last 'regular' Memorial I attended and 'door-to-door' as a 'regular' JW was about 25 years ago. Last Memorial I attended was 20 years ago. Last 'real' Sunday meeting I attended was about 15 years ago. Last time I set foot in a Kingdom Hall was about 6 years ago for the death of a family member.

    I completely figured out it was a cult about 5 1/2 years ago. It was a priceless moment.


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