Memorial - How many on here went and how many didn't?

by IMHO 115 Replies latest jw friends

  • deservingone26

    i didnt go, at the last minute i decided not to go, i went to the movies instead, i hate this whole disfellowshipping arrangement im tired of going to the meetings,

  • d

    I did not go. My last memorial was in 2008.I have not been to a KH in 3 yrs and it feels good.Plus do you ever notice at the Memorial their very litle mention of Jesus. It is mostly the Governing Body.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Yah, I went. More so due to family obligations.

    For those of you that didn't didn't miss much!

  • bigmac


    & its now 31 years since my last appearance. simply pointless.

    i did a deal with god even before that:

    i dont believe in him/her/it

    & he/she/it (shit?) dont believe in me.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Not me. This will be the 20th Memorial that I have not attended. No reason to start now.

    I stayed at home with my lovely wife, my faithful German Shepherd, Gus, at my feet, a nice glass of scotch, and the premier episode of Game of Thrones on HBO.

  • AGuest

    No, for the first time since 1982 (peace to you all!)... because I am physically under the weather. Will absolutely go next year, if physically able, because there are people there that I love (regardless of their lack of love for me), who need to know that the only way they CAN live forever, indeed be resurrected... is if they eat the flesh of the Son of Man... and drink his blood. Truly, there is no other way. I don't care what they think of me... or whether they speak to me (puh-leeze). But I do believe I can't be saying I love God... who I've not seen (face to face)... while not loving my brother, who I have seen. It's not about their love... or lack of love... for me; it's about my love for them.

    Again, peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • used2beme

    Yes, I went, and drug hubby and the munchkin. Had to keep shushing the little one and felt bad about threatening him, as he was being quite good for a toddler just not as quiet as the regulars. My skirt was just to my knee, hubby was happy with that, and we met some friends at their hall with the offer of dinner out together. All 3 of us looked forward to that. The talk was given by a brother that we knew, and he is a good speaker, but yes it was the same old thing. The brother passing our emblems gave me a look when I handed the plate across hubby to avoid the it was not the wife's place to bypass the husbands opportunity to touch the precious plate, he didn't seem to mind when I did the same with the wine...perhaps the carpet was new?

    At dinner a comment was made about it being “the best memorial talk ever” I was preparing to kick hubby if he dared to make a smart remark but found myself surprised to hear it coming from these younger girls they always made fun of the older ones making comments like that. Maybe it was for me as they know “I'm weak” and Maybe they thought it would be encouraging for me...Maybe next year I'll be able to stay home and not have to put on the show for the family.

  • Ilovebirthdays

    No. Last one I went to was 1998, also. There's no way I'd ruin a night of my life to give my JW family false hope I was coming back. And there's also no way I'm going to show my kids that setting foot inside a Kingdom Hall is a good thing.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Nuh-uh... didn't go. Fourth one in a row I've skipped out on now.

    I didn't want to risk my mental health by being around a bunch of people who make me positively ill. My local congregation is a snakepit filled with arrogant, self-righteous gossips. Seeing the nicer folks that I might have liked before is not worth it.

    I didn't want to be faced with uncomfortable questions about, where I've been, what I've been doing, etc. It's nobody's goddam business as far as I'm concerned. If they want info, they can ask my mommy about me when she visits.

    I don't want to be lumped in with that snivelling, hypocritical lot called "submarine witnesses". (thank you blondie) I do things for my own reasons and I won't compromise my personal stand on not being part of the BOrg anymore. I don't want to give folks false hope. For me it's all or nothing: the JWs get nothing.

    I don't do much of anything to appease others; not family, not congregation members who are now utter strangers to me and certainly not those egomaniacal control freaks in Brooklyn.


  • Butterflyleia85

    Hi everyone I havent been on here for awhile cause I have a month old I been taking care off (he is crying now as we speak)

    But I WENT to the Memorial and took my new born son (month old)!

    I went because my sister... I never plan on going back but I do want to show a jester for my sister of kindness and respect. (one day I'd love to join a good church and invite her and see if she'd go!hahaha yeah right like she go!!)

    But I showed her that kind jester because she is talking to me again.. I have my son to thank for that! But the day before she spent all day visiting with me (she is a ag. Pioneer) and I'm disfellowshiped! I am so happy she is starting to show more love from her heart then the cold hearted side of JWs.

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