Why is this happening so often in this organization? Really I've never seen anything like it!
Is it because it's such a closed isolating group, where members feel they have a right to know everyone elses business.
Do boundries become breeched because of this?? Advantage is taken because of missplaced trust in authority figures? Perhaps missplaced trust that god is watching everything and he will take care of it? It just so easy to gain acess to the vulnerable, isn't it.
Abuse happens most often in authoritarian families. The WTS is one huge authoritarian family. Strict gender roles is another factor. We know that when bond closely with their children and have an active hand in their care they are less likely to abuse them. The WTS sets up the men to be too busy to care for the children. That is women's work. Men are supposed to be busy preaching and "reaching out" for positions.
The sexual repression encouraged by the WTS is another contributing factor. When "normal" outlets for emotional and sexual expression are limited then there is a good chance that some people will think they can take liberites.
And most important of all is that these abusers don't get reported. They know that nothing will be done. If they can silence the child they will. It is poretty easy to silnece a child when it is pretty clear to the child that they don't count as much as adult. Thw WTS does almost nothing for the kids. That can't make them feel very valuable. Add to that that any JW isn't very valuable. They are expendable. If a child thinks that if they talk no one will believe them then there is a good chance they won't say anything. And there is the fear that if they do talk the abuse wiull only get worse. If the abuser has some position in the congregation it is more likely the child will not be believed.
The issue of boundaries is interesting. There are two sets among JWs. The first set is between JWs and the rest of the world.
They restrict communication between the JWs world and the rest of the world. This is why people go to the elders with their problems rather than to the police, or social services and professional counselors. Abusive families woirk the same way. Communicatoion between family members and those outside the family are restricted. This serves to keep the problems quiet.
The issue of boundaries being porous where everyone knows everyone else's business doesn't apply to abuse issues. That one is kept very quiet. Too quiet. That is one that needs to be exposed.
But those who have any degree of power or authority over a child will be more likely to breach boundaries and abuse a child (or a wife). Authority does that to some people. And the WTS has set up the perfect organization that would allow some people to take advantage of the lesser power of women and children.