Coming back after a day of internet connection problems ...I'm shocked to see more added to the list. A memorial of sorts, in more ways than one.
Tears blur my eyes at your words.
Yesterday I said ... "to all the scared kids who can't figure out why the elders or daddy/mommy or god doesn't help them," I really didn't want that to be true.
Reading Lee's link, shows it to be devastatingly...true, I wished that god had stepped in! :-(
"At the traumatic moment, the person confronts his or her own vulnerability [powerlessness] and eventual mortality [psychic death]" (p.22). The worst possible situation would occur if the event was caused by someone known and trusted.." "the victim's world view may be shattered".
Lady Lee thanks for your input & helping us to understand the full inpact of these heinous acts.
Truthseeker, so very sorry ... how do you keep from beating the crap out of a creep like that!
Magwitch, really incomprehensible. How mind boggling to be told on one hand, that this is the only true religion (god will kill you if you don't believe that!) but on the other you are seeing something else entirely! So sorry.
If my count is right, 21 dear people personally know of all these things.
The count is well over a 100. May we never underestimate the degree of this problem.
What will we do about it? What can we do?