8 all in my own family Ive heard of about half a douzen others in the area I grew up but I can confirm 8
How Many of Them Do You Know About?
by clarity 63 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Ten. At least ten. One of the reasons for my waking up. It makes me ill.
My heart goes out to them and all the others .
Broken Promises
I know of 2 cases in Sydney.
In both cases the perpetrator was df'd.
Two,perp DF'd,went to prison.
30 + years in and no knowledge or experience of any child abuse in any congregation I was in.
I have only become aware of child abuse since leaving so none while I was in.
Since leaving I have 2 friends on FB who have spoken to me about it. One was abused as a child but she has been disfellowshipped as an adult for apostacy. The other one, it was her son that was abused by an elder and after a year of nothing being done she went to the police. She too has since been disfellowshipped for apostacy.
Mad Sweeney
I only knew about one victim and one perp, but I also heard the perp had other victims; I never knew who they were.
But I was kind of a loner and didn't gossip much at all. I was out of the loop on a lot of things around the congregation.
I never heard of any cases while I was in (for 30 years). There was this one creepy elder, however, that use to massage my shoulders when I was prepubescent. Hmmm . . .
J. Hofer
Thank you very much to all who've replied to this.
The point being made that this is supposedly gods organization, the only TRUE religion, blessed and led by jehovah, and yet ..... those who've escaped show the following statistics:
Within 8 hours,
11 people
reported 53 child abuse cases within this organization!
These are not hearsay.
These are children we know about, right at home.
53 ...........................................case closed
clarity - shame on u wt