10 just off the top of my head - 1 an elder's daughter
How Many of Them Do You Know About?
by clarity 63 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Oh you guys this is just making me cry .....& so MAD!!!
The saddest thing is to not be believed!
The irony that children are punished for telling!
The audacity that parents are not to warn others or be df'd.
The evil in not stopping it.
The crime in not reporting it.
michele,murray,salty,sphere,pic-chu thank you so much for your input.
And exwhyzee for going beyond yourself ... for the exposure of evil, horrifying for sure and enlightening... a year ago I was under the delusion that this organization was upright! ...thank you for the eye opener.
Our count is now 76.
How will it end?
EXWHYZEE- It doesn't surprise me in the least that this WT representative trying to inform a congregation that a convicted child molester who was getting out of prison would be attending their congregation - ended up getting deleted as an elder for trying to warn the congregation. It shows that the WT society is more concerned about appearances and word even getting OUT about child abuse occurring- than meeting it head on and protecting innocent potential victims. Sheesh.
My elder dad and my elder brother took it upon themselves to warn parents in their congregation by telephone that 2 former registered sex offenders - former child molesters had moved into their congregation. My dad and brother warned the parents to NOT let their children work in field service with the pedophiles AND that the pedophiles were NOT allowed to work with children in service. But my dad and brother did this ON THEIR OWN - outside of any instructions by the WT society. If they had been found out- I'm quite sure the WT society would have deleted them TOO !
CLARITY- Another experience I want to share ( I've shared it before but not recently ) is back in 1998 my JW ( now ex-Wife ) and children and me were attending a new congregation for the first time. Right after the prayer closing the Watchtower study a middle aged brother runs up onto the stage and grabs the microphone fom the elder WT conductor ! He yelled into the mike in front of 130 people , " Brother so and so sitting over there is a child molester ! He's been molesting children in this congregation for over 25 years ! If you love your children you will keep them away from him and protect them ! " The WT conductor elder grabbed the microphone from this brother and said to the audience, " Brothers and sisters - the elders are aware of this situation and we are taking care of it. " You could have heard a pin drop , it was so quiet. The child molester ended up getting DFed and put into jail for his child abuse - and the brother who ran to the stage to report this became my new hero.
It wasn't until 8 years later in 2006 that I fully understood WHY that middle aged brother felt he needed to storm the stage and yell this out loud to the congregation. As it was then I learned of how elders, the WT society, and the entire organization covers this child abuse problem up to give a false impression of allegedly protecting " Jehovah's " good name. What a crock of $hit. All they are trying to protect is the WT society getting their A$$ sued off in millions by potential child abuse victims being victimized by elders and ministerial servants put in positions of oversight. It has NOTHING to do with protecting God's name . Just protecting the WT society financially . It's disgusting. But even today 13 years later I look at that brother as a hero who rushed the stage and grabbed the microphone. I think of this incident often. It was mind blowing
But even today 13 years later I look at that brother as a hero who rushed the stage and grabbed the microphone.
Now thats a real man
Dear Flipper, first time at that hall, what an experience! No wonder he's your hero, omg the brother probably saved your kids from being taken in by that abuser!
Don't you wish we all could just grab a mic and yell the truth into it!
Thank you for this flipper ... it just substantiates Xwhyzee's report and pulls the curtain back a little farther, so we can see what's really going on inside!
The watchtower only likes to be seen as doing good. The reality is a far different story! They aren't taking care of it.
My mind is blown actually!
Lady Lee, thanks for your post. omg 10?
We have children repeatedly assaulted by same jw criminal, children assaulted by a 'group' of jw men & an child abuser in a congregation assaulting for over 25 yrs, and nothing done about it!
Our count is now is 86 ... plus an unknown #of our children- see above.:-(
Lady Lee
I've told this before but might aw well add that many of those 10 kids were in my family. Three, my aunt and my sister and the sister who gave me my first baby shower, have committed suicide because it was never dealt with properly and the authorities were never notified.
Lady Lee
If some one has been convicted of sexual abuse they should be on a child abuse registry for known sex offenders. If there is a list in yoru area makse sure he (or she) is on it. Then once he or she is on the list you can report them for associating with children. That should fix a couple of them pretty good.
Dear Lady Lee,
So very sorry about your Aunt & sisters ...how tragic and sad for you.
Why is this happening so often in this organization? Really I've never seen anything like it!
Is it because it's such a closed isolating group, where members feel they have a right to know everyone elses business.
Do boundries become breeched because of this?? Advantage is taken because of missplaced trust in authority figures? Perhaps missplaced trust that god is watching everything and he will take care of it? It just so easy to gain acess to the vulnerable, isn't it.
As Lee has said, pushing for convicted sex offenders to be registered on a child abuse registry, may go a long way to change things ... but the watchtower needs to start to view this as a crime and not a moral mistake.
These cases need to be reported to the police and expose these criminals within the congregations. They say jehovahs name needs to be protected.... really they are just covering their collective asses!
Surely jehovah can take care of his own name!
My niece was molested when she was 8 years old and the perp was an elders son. Her parents found out a couple of years later but by then he had moved out of state. They had reported to the elders of his hall but never reported to the authorities.
@ aSphereisnotaCircle. . . Then my oldest daughter approached the age I was when the abuse started.
This observation simply jumped out at me.
In three seperate cases I know of . . . sisters who became mothers hit the wall at exactly this time . . . when their children reached the same age . . . are they perhaps the "Key" that unlocks all the pain again, and bring a torrent of memories flooding back?
I would be interested if any research has been done on this phenomenon . . . subject for investigation perhaps.
This thread is just one big horror story . . . but one that needs to continue to be told . . . I admire and salute all of you who have survived this scourge and had the courage to share. Sadly, there are of course some who didn't survive.