Jung said that a Quaternary God would be good and that Christianity was moving in that direction with the four prominent apostles. True art is beautiful expression of deep inner feelings that have become conscious to the artist and strike a cord deep in the people that see it.
Famous Paintings: The Four Apostles
November 16, 2010 By Masterpiece Cards
The famous paintings and engravings of Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) could be a springboard to discuss decades of European history and art history. After Durer trained in painting, goldsmithing, stained-glass design and woodcutting, he traveled to Northern Europe and Venice in 1494-1495 to experience Renaissance art firsthand. He was particularly impressed with the Renaissance paintings of Giovanni Bellini (ca. 1430 -1516), and with the social status enjoyed by Italian Renaissance artists - he dryly observed, "Here [in Italy], I am a gentleman; at home, I am a parasite".
It wasn't only the artist's stature that was in flux at the turn of the century - the Catholic Church, impoverished and rife with financial abuse and corruption, had itself become controversial.
Albrecht Durer. The Four Apostles, 1523-1526. Oil on panel, each 7'1" by 2'6". Alte Pinakothek, Munich.
Pope Julius II was selling indulgences, papal "guarantees" of salvation and forgiveness, to those who contributed to rebuilding St. Peter's. These sales were protested by numerous religious reformers, including two, Desiderius Erasmus (ca. 1466-1536) and Martin Luther (1483-1546), who vociferously questioned the supremacy of papal authority.
Such religious protests and reforms (along with Durer's etchings) spread rapidly throughout Europe, thanks to widespread use of printing presses; it is estimated that by 1499, some 15 million books had been printed. Durer was an early supporter of Martin Luther, 'the Christian man who has helped me out of great anxieties', and revealed his new found faith in his paired art paintings or diptych, The Four Apostles. In the left panel (left) St. John (Luther's favorite evangelist) looms large, overshadowing St. Peter, who as the first pope holds a key to the Church. In the right panel (below), St. Paul, often deemed the spiritual father of