Jung found out the strong influence symbols have on the psyche,,they are especially good to draw or paint when one feels the creative power to do so. Jung engaged in art work and building things to give expression to his inner working and explorations,,these serve to center and balance him in some way. Mandela drawing are what the monks do to center themselves while they engage in their spiritual practice, which makes the unconscious conscious and can be frightening and a bit disorienting as energy flows into consciousness from the unconscious.
The trouble with Christianity. TRINITY.
by whereami 209 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would think that the paintings on the vaulted cielings in churches like the cistine chapel, and stained glass windows would work along the same lines. Colored lights are powerful. Maybe, that's why the colored christmas lights and fireworks, why they hold people in awe, lift them up, so to speak.
As well, psychedelia, like posters from the 60's. They were produced at the hieght of creativity in western society.
I remember going to a 2 day affair with Stanislav Grof presiding, doing holotropic breathwork,, after our experience which last 4 to 6 hours we given some coloring pencils and told to draw what every we were feeling,,mine was totally chaotic and I never was asked anything about it,, it think it show my psyche in a real turmoil and getting ready for some big changes.
Holotropic Breathwork is a breathing exercise to intentionally induce oxygen deprivation in the brain [ 1 ] via hyperventilation. It was studied, renamed and popularized by Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. and Christina Grof, amid claims that these side effects of hypoxia are in fact "nonordinary states of consciousness" [ 2 ] . Holotropic breathing has some similarities to Rebirthing-Breathwork, but was developed independently. [citation needed] Holotropic Breathwork is intended as an approach to self-exploration and healing that integrates insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, various depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions of the world. [citation needed] The name Holotropic means "moving toward wholeness" (from the Greek ?λος holos "whole" and τρ?πειν trepein "to turn or direct towards a thing").
The method comprises five elements: group process, intensified breathing (hyperventilation), evocative music, focused body work, and expressive drawing. The method's general effect is advocated as a non-specific amplification of a person's psychic process, which facilitates the psyche's natural capacity for healing.
Holotropic Breathwork is usually done in groups, although individual sessions are done. Within the groups, people work in pairs and alternate in the roles of experiencer ("breather") and "sitter". The sitter's primary responsibility is to focus compassionate attention on the breather. Secondarily, the sitter is available to assist the breather, but not to interfere or interrupt the process. The same is true for trained facilitators, who are available as helpers if necessary. [citation needed]
Originally developed as an adjunct to psychedelic psychotherapy, Holotropic Breathwork is an autonomous psychotherapeutic practice which, nevertheless, retains many of the clinical precautionary measures that were implemented in the medical use of LSD.
Cool, that you were able to experience that. I read quite a bit about grof, a few yrs ago. It was a privilege for you.
'Originally developed as an adjunct to psychedelic psychotherapy, Holotropic Breathwork is an autonomous psychotherapeutic practice which, nevertheless, retains many of the clinical precautionary measures that were implemented in the medical use of LSD.'
Yes, it was an alternate method to get into a similar space as lsd put one, when lsd was demonized and illegalized. Personally, i am able to it easily w just a bit of mj. Without, also, but, it takes longer and a lot more effort. Admitedly, it's a shortcut through all the above that you described. While most people like hypnotherapists and others into meditation were against it's use, i was encouraged about it's use when i saw some gurus and their followers in india using it heavily in their practice.
The Oracle
wow! that guy is very well spoken, logical, and funny. I like him.
The Oracle
there are a few religions who are anti-trinity -- other than JW's, adventists, bible students in some areas, what are they? are there any that aren't as authoritarian as watchtower?
SDAs used to be non-trinitarian, but they are now trinitarian (same with Armstrong's World Wide Church of God). Unitarians are not authoritarian, but inclusivists. They deny the Trinity. All pseudo-Christian cults deny the trinity (Mormons, JWs, etc.). Oneness/Jesus Only says Jesus is Jehovah, but strongly deny the trinity. The triune view is the biblical, historical, orthodox view. No wonder Satan attacks it so much (just because Catholics are right on it does not mean they are right about their other distinctives).
There are a few localized groups scattered around. The Unitarian doctrine is, well, unitarian. In 1961 they merged with the Universalists and their doctrine became completely watered down (if they even have one, anymore) and is totally optional. They gather their beliefs from any and all "holy" books, regardless of the source or content. If you want a group that isn't authoritarian, the UUs definitely fit that bill, but why bother attending a church that is doctrinal anarchy? If you want to hang around with people who don't believe the same as you, you can do that anywhere.
I quickly became frustrated looking for a church that had their doctrine correct. JWs are still the closest that I've found, but they're drifting rapidly into idolatry for the organization and the Governing Body. The Watchtower has replaced the Bible and the "faithful and discreet slave" has replaced Jesus. Those are pretty major doctrinal failings, in my estimation.
Do you have to derail every single thread with this? For someone who slaps Christ across the face with his heretical doctrine, you sure call people "pseudo-Christian" a lot. You keep accusing people of not comprehending, mistranslating, and being spoon-fed a unitarian God. Many here discovered the Bible teaches a singular (in all respects) God and joined the Jehovah's Witnesses, because they are about the only ones who get that major piece of the puzzle correct. Granted, JWs are authoritarian with their hokey doctrines, but Trinitarians tortured people and denied them access to the Bible to get that ridiculous dogma into wide-spread use.
thanks for replies. i see why people give up on religion - Wontleave are you still searching for one and, if you don't mind, please post any future discoveries. my friend has attended so many different churches and said there's some really wierd stuff out there (not encouraging) and is back at public talk but she has too many issues (like all of us) with watchtower. sure she will never again be a party liner and contributor to their bank account.
Trinitarianism is strictly monotheistic (compound unity vs solitary). Islam and Judaism are also closer to WT view, but that does not make them right for today. We all have different interests, aptitudes, styles, etc. I would hope speaking up for biblical truth is not considered derailing a thread. Others may be content to diss religion in general, but it would be unloving to not point people to truth and warn them about their loss for rejecting it. I would rather obey God than man, be principled, than popular. I trust that I speak truth in love, but am as angry at the WT as those who have left it (I have never been in it). It is not pejorative to call it a mind control cult if it actually is. The religious people of Jesus' day were His greatest enemies, detractors. I think it says more about your heart than mine to be offended by someone who is defending and proclaiming truth.