Amazing's Triumph - Mixed Feelings

by Perry 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Perry: After reviewing your post today and the one yesterday, I see where you are coming from. I will make a more detailed, but concise response later on today.

    You said,

    Re: Amazing's Triumph - Mixed Feelings Feb 6, 2002 09:58

    I've had few hours sleep and feel much better. I'll get right to the point for the entire reason that I started this thread.

    Like so many others, I'm TIRED of sitting on my rear end and would like to DO SOMETHING! Your stories are nice and even encouraging, but dammit, how do we replicate some of that success for others?

    I want to explain why I feel that there is a vast difference, yet a core oneness between guys like you and guys like me.

    First, an example:

    I started an exotic bird breeding facility a few years ago in part because I found the socialization aspects of rearing, highly intelligent, rare, expensive parrots to be very rewarding.

    I envy your affiliation with Parrots. The closest I ever get to Parrots is either at the Zoo or an ocassional visit through the Pet store.

    I raised Chickens at one time. Whatever benefit Chickens provide by way of controlling bugs and giving eggs, they make up for it with stupidity and droppings at the most inconvenient locations. A Parrot is far superior to a Chicken.

  • Amazing

    Hi Perry:

    After reviewing your last two posts to me, I see where this is going.

    "I don't want to even start a project that I don't have a fair chance of succeding in. Uniting qualified people might provide the edge people need to succeed or at least to maintain hope, which in itself is a powerful force to deal with." ... "I propose a meeting with all intrested and qualified people invited. We could have guest speakers, coffee and cake, draw strength from one another and discuss strategies that work. Maybe a comprehensive plan will develop, who knows. When our founding fathers got together as a group of qualified men to discuss the problems of a repressive regime, a plan developed that became the model of civilized government that resulted, against all odds, in kicking King George's butt all the way back to jolly ole' England!" ... "I invite all reading this thread to post your opinion of such a meeting. I for one, am tired of doing nothing. Life only rewards action, not inaction." ... "Amazing, you provide the leadership, I vow to help you find the muscle."
    The last line in your comments above is the tip off. Given your comments about Amnesian’s interest in this thread, though I see from her edited post, that any comments beyond a “~” were eliminated if they ever existed. I didn’t see them. We have no real debate or issue here. While I take exception with a few of your points, I am not interested in this turning into a debate.

    Judging from your comments I get the impression that you are a life long JW with your own set of views and unique experiences different than mine. I did not grow up in the JW religion. I did not enter the religion as an Elder. I spent time at various stages and levels in the religion, and developed my own feelings and views specific to me.

    My only position on JW Elders, as expressed in detail to Amnesian is that I cannot be judgmental or dogmatic on what each JW Elder must do upon his realization of what he learns about the religion. Amnesian's view is far more rigid, taking one of her stated views. Her interest in this thread tells me that a 'baited' situation is waiting in the wings. No, I am not afraid of debate with her, I just don't have time for that type of merry-go-round again. Once was enough.

    I am not suggesting that you have anything to do with Amnesian's intents or her lack thereof. But, this time, I will pass to go with this any further.

    In all seriousness, I posted some ideas about what might be "one way" that lifelong JWs might take to start an exit plan. My professional life is "plan and solution" oriented, so that spills over into other things I deal with. Many times I provide comments in this style, even when not asked to do so. But there is no place for me in this to take any “leadership’ role as you suggested, provided that you are serious in suggesting that idea. The forum here or on Randy Watters site at Freeminds can easily serve as a good place to compile ideas and experiences to help lifelong JWs find ways to exit the religion. Someone like yourself is best suited to that endeavor.

    I am just a contributor who provides my own set of views and experiences for whatever they are worth and however they be prove helpful to some, or many. The threads I have started touch on these main topics: incompetence of JW Justice, problematic and idiotic teachings found in JW literature, the molestation issues, and personal experiences. The Justice Series, contrary to some claims otherwise, are "not" about me, rather they "are" about what other people went through. They were written from what I observed or read in the JC files. I only show up on the JCs in 3 of the 22 cases I relate. I did the Justice Series because no one else was doing anything like it, and I felt it would stimulate many other former Elders to contribute their own expose’ of JW Justice. I find that the Inner Sanctum of the JC is not exposed enough, and is far more interesting to many JWs and ex-JWs than even the mysteries associated with Anointing.

    My recent Exit Series has never been related before, except in brief comments to other threads. It is mostly about me, because I fail to see how I can tell someone else’s story. It is my story, my experiences. If they interest people, then great. If my exit does not interest people, that is fine as well.

    As I wrap up the Exit Series, I will move into several postings about the famous 1918 Trial of Rutherford and his fellow Corporate Officers of the Society. I think that there are some very fascinating aspects to that trial that some will enjoy as I have. While the US Governemnt may have gone overboard in some respects, there is equal and clear evidence that Rutherford and Company were weaseling around to distance themselves from the Bible Students to save their own asses, and subsequent WTS historical revisionism have greatly twisted and spun the Trial into something that make the Society come off smelling like an innocent Rose.

    The last postings will be about what I am able to learn from the current trial of my son-in-law’s JW dad, who is currently on trial for molesting a child. This trial is of great interest to me because there is some risk of harm from this man toward my grandchildren. And because he is from the same congregation that I left, and reported another molester to the authorities.

    The initial arrest of this man took place late last March and was discussed with NBC Dateline (Dateline contacted me out of their own interest, and I did not approach them). Because the Trial was continued to August, after the filming of the expected Dateline program, and then it was continued again to start the end of January, Dateline was not able to include it in their story. So, if Dateline eventually uses it, it will have to be in a follow-up story. I will be sharing it on JWD for the record, and to add to the many other cases going on so that visiting ex-JWs or JW Lurkers will see yet another case among many, and hopefully realize that the molestation problems among their membership is not a small isolated situation.

    The above focus of my time and energy precludes any more time elsewhere. I hope and believe that several very experienced ex-JWs will step forward to assist you should you decide to move forward with some Exit Plan site for lifelong JWs. Thanks again for some good and healthy exchanges.

  • teejay


    Very good post (and thread). Honest feelings, eloquently stated.

    One thing I think can't be overlooked as Amazing relates his exit is that he was still a functioning part of the organization with the freedom to express himself to his family without arousing suspicion or any defense mechanisms. Those of us who have left the organization have given up whatever leverage we might have had in leading a family member or friend to question the truth or look at things differently. The label "apostate" is written on our foreheads and JWs wouldn't listen to us or believe us if we told them the sun was shining.

    As I see it, the only way to break the mental lock that the JW religion has is in being an accepted member while being able to use a sneak attack approach like Amazing did.


  • teejay

    You are correct ... I do thank my lucky stars. My goal was never to run success in anyone's face. I do not consider 25 years a JW any kind of thing to boast of ... and getting my family out was the least I could do ... and if anything shared helps others, I feel that I owe at least that much. If nothing shared helps, then maybe I can find other better ways to help ... I don't know ... but not a day goes by that I am not thinking about JWs still in the religion.

    I want my good friends back ... I want to play cards or chess with some of my JW friends ... I want to go hiking or camping or a movie with them ... more importantly, I want my JW friends to realize that I love them, and want their freedom for them ... and I am helpless beyond what I did accomplish to do a thing for them ... and as the last ten years have gone by, the memory of them never fades ... it just becomes a painful thing always there ... always reminding me of what was lost to a heartless religion ... and I will spend my life doing what I can to find a way for them ... a plan and strategy that has eluded me for ten years.


    It is impossible—not to say unfair—to sum up a person with a single word or phrase. Jukief hit the nail on the head the other day when she told about two people she knew (her brother and a former boss) and what it meant to her to know them both.

    Reading what you wrote above makes me realize that I probably had you figured all wrong, and for that I'm truly sorry. Thank you for coming back here and continuing to post. You are an asset to all of us.


  • Amazing

    Hi TeeJay: Thank you for the very kind comments. I appreciate your apology; Likewise, I apoligize to you for any unfair remarks or misjudgments I made toward you.

    The JW business has taken its toll on millions, some far more than others. Our ex-JW life can be as stressful as we work through the maze of mental and emotional junk built up over the years.

    In spite of the method that some used to nail me for egotism or over-done magnanemousness (big freaking word) I have taken the point to heart. Intent is only part of the equation for me, and maybe others. Presentation has to be carefully considered, at least at times with certain topics. So, I welcome the critque, as discomforting as it was at times, so that I can not be irritating to any who read my posts.

    Thanks again. I truly appreciate your comments.

  • waiting

    Howdy Perry,

    I've read your post - and it seems to overflow with frustration. I think that frustration overflows with a lot of us.

    As Amazing brought out - we miss our family and friends. I didn't lose much family, thankfully. But I also miss my friends - and that's just the way it is, I suppose.

    I've read some of Steve Hassan's work - and dealing with people in a high control group is usually a one-on-one situation. Not hi-jacking them, just talking sometimes. But it's a slow process - and the jw has to awaken, slowly or abruptly. Ultimately, the jw has to do the work within himself, either before or after.

    Other occasions in life are similar. Anyone who's dealt with a woman being beaten by her husband.....and she keeps going back, understands the frustration.

    We have many similarities here - but each case is different, as is our lives.


  • jst2laws

    Hello Perry,

    Excellent discussion. Your initial post was a model of how to differ respectfully. This approach has truly stimulated an intelligent discussion drawing out many of my favorite poster.

    I too would like to see more on how to help family and close friends. Perhaps a web site devoted to it would help some. I fear; however, by the time a frustrated and exiting JW were to find this information too much damage would have already occurred. Still would be worth the effort. Perhaps advertising and links from sites as this would catch the attention of some lurkers. I have some ideas but will save them for later.

    I understand your feelings, Perry. You have expressed yourself well.


  • Perry

    Hello Amazing,

    The last line in your comments above is the tip off.

    The "tip off" was sincere.

    "Given your comments about Amnesian’s interest in this thread, though I see from her edited post, that any comments beyond a “~” were eliminated if they ever existed. I didn’t see them. We have no real debate or issue here. While I take exception with a few of your points, I am not interested in this turning into a debate".

    I have also taken issue with a few of your points. I believe it to be impossible for that not to happen when having provocative, rigorously honest discussions. I truly appreciate the extent you have tried to remain focused. Believe me, I have done the same.

    Judging from your comments I get the impression that you are a life long JW with your own set of views and unique experiences different than mine.

    Very nice lead into your main point.

    I did not grow up in the JW religion. I did not enter the religion as an Elder. I spent time at various stages and levels in the religion, and developed my own feelings and views specific to me.

    My only position on JW Elders, as expressed in detail to Amnesian is that I cannot be judgmental or dogmatic on what each JW Elder must do upon his realization of what he learns about the religion. Amnesian's view is far more rigid, taking one of her stated views. Her interest in this thread tells me that a 'baited' situation is waiting in the wings. No, I am not afraid of debate with her, I just don't have time for that type of merry-go-round again. Once was enough.

    I am not suggesting that you have anything to do with Amnesian's intents or her lack thereof. But, this time, I will pass to go with this any further.

    Amnesian, as it regards to this thread is a total non-issue. It seems to concern you a bit that she is following this thread. I couldn't care less, though I find her interesting even if I feel she is missing the big picture.

    In all seriousness, I posted some ideas about what might be "one way" that lifelong JWs might take to start an exit plan. My professional life is "plan and solution" oriented, so that spills over into other things I deal with. Many times I provide comments in this style, even when not asked to do so.

    I have no problem with your "style". I'm a lifelong JW remember. It is so very familiar; it's all I have ever known....this plan and solution orientation. I actively try to live my life according to honesty and genuineness, then allow the chips to fall where they may. It's my style. I couldn't change it if I wanted to. Though I haven't always been succesful in this.... it's my natural way.

    Now that I have encountered a true blue JW style thinker (post mordem), and I mean this as simply your natural disposition, (absolutely no negativity in that statement)I merely see potential, possibly even greatness as it relates to bringing down the Tower.

    "But there is no place for me in this to take any “leadership’ role as you suggested, provided that you are serious in suggesting that idea. The forum here or on Randy Watters site at Freeminds can easily serve as a good place to compile ideas and experiences to help lifelong JWs find ways to exit the religion. Someone like yourself is best suited to that endeavor.

    That was simply a beautiful denegration of what we all know to be your real potential, couched in classical we're-not-the-prophet-but-what-I-say-is-gospel WT prose. The verbal sleight-of-hand promoting me as superior than you was tantalizingly delectable. As for questioning my seriousness in any endeavor likely to result in greater defections..... (look in my eyes) I'm very serious.

    "I am just a contributor who provides my own set of views and experiences for whatever they are worth and however they be prove helpful to some, or many. The threads I have started touch on these main topics: incompetence of JW Justice, problematic and idiotic teachings found in JW literature, the molestation issues, and personal experiences. The Justice Series, contrary to some claims otherwise, are "not" about me, rather they "are" about what other people went through. They were written from what I observed or read in the JC files. I only show up on the JCs in 3 of the 22 cases I relate. I did the Justice Series because no one else was doing anything like it, and I felt it would stimulate many other former Elders to contribute their own expose’ of JW Justice. I find that the Inner Sanctum of the JC is not exposed enough, and is far more interesting to many JWs and ex-JWs than even the mysteries associated with Anointing.

    My recent Exit Series has never been related before, except in brief comments to other threads. It is mostly about me, because I fail to see how I can tell someone else’s story. It is my story, my experiences. If they interest people, then great. If my exit does not interest people, that is fine as well".

    Yes, a mere lowly "contributor" then you go on to enumerate insights that most of us never knew. I'd say you are the most prolific writer on this DB. C'mon... no one here is going to castigate you for setting up boundaries with me or anyone else.The vast majority will respect whatever level of involvement you choose. But please don't blow smoke up our a$$ feigning incompetence.

    The above focus of my time and energy precludes any more time elsewhere. I hope and believe that several very experienced ex-JWs will step forward to assist you should you decide to move forward with some Exit Plan site for lifelong JWs. Thanks again for some good and healthy exchanges".

    The first sentence of your last paragraph was the answer to my challenge. Again, written in classical Brooklyn rhyme and meter, "the real answer is hidden in the back of the magazine in 'Questions from Readers'".

    Amazing, I yank your chain a little bit because I admire you. I have followed DB's on and off since '95 and I've never met anyone with your particular gifts. I have my own and am satisfied with myself. Perhaps my experience as an entrepaneur in pegging people as soon as possible as it relates to tasks to accomplish has excited me a little too much to tempt you with a more formal hands on involvement. Perhaps my insights have unnerved you a little. That's what I do and it has served me well. I'm a watcher, a student of people. However, I do want to take this particular opportunity to extend a sincere apology if any of my statements have crossed some unethical line.

    Again, I respect your boundaries. If you ever change your mind.... send me an e-mail. I wouldn't mind bantering ideas with you privately sometime.

  • JT

    waiting says:

    I've read some of Steve Hassan's work - and dealing with people in a high control group is usually a one-on-one situation. Not hi-jacking them, just talking sometimes. But it's a slow process - and the jw has to awaken, slowly or abruptly. Ultimately, the jw has to do the work within himself, either before or after.



  • Perry


    I don't post that often but I always look forward to your commentary. You made me feel very welcome (as did others) on my first post a few weeks ago.

    Your perceptions about the element of surprise is impossible to over emphazise. Amazing experienced a confluence of events, situations, and personality traits that precipitated his succesful exit. I think some of that is duplicatable.... even if just spelled out on a web-site, though I think it would be more fun in person.

    As for people in my situation and yours to some extent (you have some success with your sis)you're dead on, our leverage has expired for the Amazing approach. There are others ways, but I'm afraid it will take far more time. However, I'd like to see a helllva lotta people do similar things like amazing did.

    As for your characterations of Amazing, he is a controversial figure and does change a bit from context to context. Personally, I love the s*** out of him. I'm not too sure he'd return a like description of me however. :-) We need many more people like him.

    It is a little unfair to scrutinize him so much though. But, that's the price for being out front. I'm sure through this long post many people see my faults and have formed a variety of opinions about me.

    Anyhow, take care.


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