Charles Russell's Last Days

by lovelylil 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    I don't think the average person knew diddly about Russell.

    Sturgeon had to hail the train porter to show him "how a great man died."

    According to Franz, it was a Neeee-gro porter, at that.

    The porter was probably thinking, "Why on earth should I care how he died?"


  • snowbird

    No, Lilly, they were actually paid.

    I will look for the link.


  • lovelylil

    I would appreciate it syl.

    So let me get this straight, the bible students of today fawn all over their great Pastor Russell whose sermons were placed in the papers as ads, and whose colporteurs distributing his mags were paid? hmmm, how many do you think did actual research into this? Especially those who left the WT to become bible students?

    I couldn't become one, they reminded me too much of JW's, only nicer granted and less judgemental. But naive just the same. At the kh you hear quotes from the WT, in the bible student meetings you hear quotes from the reprints (old Russell WT's)

  • thetrueone

    Russell was nothing but a religious charlatan that for some thought as a special divine messenger to save the world.

    Maybe he too suffering from what psychologists define as the Jesus syndrome.

    The books he wrote and the literature written by the WTS to follow have the potential to sell, thats without argue.

    The men who followed after him realized the potential value ( and what attention they could create toward themselves )

    off of his original religious idealogical thoughts .

    And thats what you have today in the WTS.

    The fear cultivated by these apocalyptic end time cults will always grab the publics attention, no matter who postulates them.

  • snowbird
  • lovelylil


  • snowbird


    At one time I thought Russell was this self-effacing, self-sacrificing Christian who cared deeply for others.

    Now, I see him as a sociopath, possessing a mock humility and caring nothing for friends or family.


  • scary21

    I have all six of his studies in the scriptures. The first one is kind of interesting, the rest not so much. I heard his wife helped him with the first book.

    As far as the toga thing,maybe he just wanted to be comfortable. I know when I'm sick I want to get out of my street clothes, and get in my nice comfey P.J.s........but then again didn't he have any night clothes with him? ummmmm

  • snowbird

    He wanted the toga to show that he had conquered - was victorious - and was ready to receive his reward.

    Kind of presumptuous, no?


  • lovelylil

    Perhaps he didn't have a white robe so he grabbed a white bedsheet instead? I agree with syl. he was declaring himself victorious??

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