Historians agree that Roosevelt had a sexual affair with a close female friend. I think it was a journalist. The letters came to light. No one knew if she was jusing literary conventions of the day for very close female friends or an actual sexual relationship. Because the letters cast attention, something else came up. I recall Lincoln wrote flowery letters to close male friends and shared beds. Scholars said everyone wrote that way and it was very rare to have a bed to yourself, even in the White House. This secretary could have hetersexual feelings for Russell but just used the popular writing conventions. I don't know.
If the toga had to do with dramatizing how close he was to God, it shows a lack of humility and service. I know little of Russell. Reading the earliest WTs helped free me from my Armageddon fears. I love the Ray Franz example of the train fron Pittsburgh to NY and the calculation of the end of time. When the expected date yielded no Armageddon, some Bible Students rechecked the calculations. The original calculation was based on the mileage or time of a train's arrival in NY. Something to do with carrying the message. A distraught Bible Student discovered that the choo choo train's schedule was not correct. There was side rail in NJ (Secaucaus maybe) that changed the calculation. A new date emerged.
Its historical nature made the affair less scary. Armaageddon had not come. It helped me see the current regime for what it is. The WT, despite its flaws, attracts some interesting, colorful characters. No one like the Borgias, the antipopes or the WWII pope's colloboration with the Nazis but give them time.