Charles Russell's Last Days

by lovelylil 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Well Johnny,

    You said you have associated with the bible students? They are all a little different, some are very nice, some not so much. But I wonder if you ever questioned them about their abnormal devotion to Russell?

    I had made it known to some NJ bible students that I did not agree with Russell's teachings found in the studies in the scriptures, particualarly those about Christ being raised as an invisible spirit and not bodily and that he is Michael the Archangel, the first creation of Jehovah.

    They never asked me why I felt this way or to show them scriptures regarding my beliefs on this. Nor, did they say to me "we would like to suggest", rather they told me this; "unless you accept Russell as the faithful servant and all his teachings as being true, you are not in the body of Christ and cannot claim to have recieved the Holy Spirit". This is verbatum what I was told.

    Maybe the groups you are associated with are more open minded or maybe not. Try questioning Russell's views and see what happens. Like a little experiment if you will. Then you can come back here and tell us how open minded they were to you.

    Since that episode I have been invited to numerous "bible" studies with some very nice bible students but the study is always the same, One of Russell's study in the scriptures books. How many times can you study his books? Why not just pull out the bible for your bible study? I just don't get it.

  • thetrueone

    I personally suspect CT Russell was murdered.

    Yes of course, there is so much documentation to support that matter, its been suspected that its the deliberate doing of the WTS.

    to hide this infromation.

    It has also been suggested that it was the Vatican that ordered the murder, due to Russell's anti-Catholic stance which he presented.

  • snowbird

    I don't know about Russell's being murdered, but it seems that A. H. MacMillian and J. F. Rutherford were happy to see him go.

    MacMillian is said to have telegraphed Rutherford with the news of his (Russell's) death.

    Rutherford is reported to have instructed MacMillian to put everything on hold until Rutherford arrived.



  • lovelylil

    And then syl. the hostile takeover of the WT rights began by Rutherford. MacMillian spoke about what happened in his view in the book Faith on the March. Spinning the takeover in favor of Rutherford.

  • thetrueone

    An interesting point to ponder on is that Rutherford was the chief lawyer that Russell used for many of his business

    ventures and transactions with the WTS. Because of this Rutherford most likely aware of the wealth the WTS. , as to what Russell

    accumulated toward it particularly when Connelly ditched out of the Corporation, leaving Russell and his father sole share holders.

    Its no wonder then that Rutherford chased after the presidency so strongly, the money was there so was the printing business to continue

    on with his own literature accusations, putting the power of the printing corporation right into his own hands as well as its wealth.

    Sly little lawyer, but a true faithful Christian of course.

  • snowbird

    He certainly did, Lilly.

    Made it appear that Rutherford was the victim of a smear campaign by those in Russell's camp.

    Those were some times at Brooklyn Bethel in that period!

    I've read all the charges and countercharges in Harvest Siftings I and II, and Harvest Siftings Reviewed, and Harvest Siftings Reviewed, Reviewed ...


    And, we're expected to believe this was God's channel of communication to His people?

    Don't make me laugh!


  • moshe

    Of course their was no pennicillin back in 1916, just as Rutherford couldn't find any Chemotherapy to cure his cancer, either. Despite preaching that Jehovah's Kingdom is the only hope for mankind, JWs are always seeking Caesar's medical care to extend their earthly life for as long as possible.

  • greendawn

    True Moshe though Rutherford being such a religious charlatan hated medical science as demonic and didn't want the JWs to have anything to do with it not even inocculations against infectious diseases.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Excuse my ignorance. A lawyer is well versed in law. I don't think lawyers become CEOs and take over things as much as they do on TV. They are detail oriented and businesses focus on the large picture. They are complimentary but different styles of solving problems. Lawyers chief puprose is to be risk adverse. Entrepreneurs need to risk prone to succeed.

    What could Rutherford have known to take over? Who was the heir apparent? I never heard of the split when Rutherford assumed the presidency until three years on a non JW related forum. So many left the organization. How could Rutherford claim legitimacy? Why not a theologian or factory director/

  • reslight2

    I am a Bible Student; I believe it probable that Sturgeon misunderstood and misinterpreted what Russell requested, and in his mind interpreted what Russell said in the manner as he presented it. I personally feel that Russell was probably very cold and was simply seeking some way to wrap his body so as keep from feeling so cold.

    I have also suspected that Sturgeon may have been influenced in his report by Rutherford.

    Although Russell had been dead for only a few weeks, the December issues had already begun to insidiously emphasize "organization", although not many of the Bible Students at that time understood the implications of such statements, nor to what end such statements would lead.

    I do not know that this is true, but, if one reads closely what Sturgeon wrote, much of what he has written are his conclusions about what was happening just before Russell died, not necessarily what Russell himself was thinking.

    Worship of Russell:

    If anyone is actually worshiping Russell, whether ourwardly or in the heart, then that one has failed to understand what Russell presented, and by their worship of Russell would be denying what Russell taught, which would be a self-contradiction if such a person was claiming to believe in what Russell taught.

    Russell spoke on this in 1910, when, in the context of speaking concerning those who find Brother Russell in the scriptures, and who were preaching Brother Russell, he stated:

    I do not find it there. Some of them say that I am blinded on that subject, that they all can see better than I can. Perhaps they can, I do not know, but I think, dear friends, that there is a danger in that direction, and I would like to put you all on guard. I think it is the Lord's will that we should recognize every agency God uses, but we are not to recognize any agency of God as being in any competition whatever with the Lord or with his divine arrangement. He is the fountain of blessing, he only is most to be praised. I think that is the right sentiment. I believe you all agree with that. And yet I think there is a danger of some dear friends preaching Brother Russell. Brother Russell would like for you not to do so.

    He thinks it would not be to the glory of God. Let me repeat, then, dear friends, that in my opinion we have so much of the Gospel of God, so much of his plan to study, so many opportunities of showing forth his praises, that we should employ all our time in that way. My advice, therefore, is that we give very little attention to anything outside of that.

    The Scriptures do indeed say that we may render honor to him to whom honor is due, and that is applicable to anybody and everybody; as, for instance, we look back and we see Martin Luther, and he did a grand work, and we thank God for him; and we might say the same of John Wesley, and very truthfully; I am glad in God's providence he lived, and that he was a faithful man. And there were others of the Lord's people in the past. Let us be glad and rejoice in every one, and be thankful to God he has used various agencies in helping us, and in helping others, and in bringing forward his great cause; but let us not go into anything that would be at all like man-worship, for I am sure that would be displeasing to the Lord and injurious to ourslves. I remind you again of the Scripture in Revelations where the Church is pictured, which we called attention to, I believe, thirty years ago. John, the revelator, who was seeing these things, fell down to worship the angel who showed them to him, and the angel said, 'See thou do it not; worship God; I am thy fellowservant.'

    And so, dear friends, if our Heavenly Father and our Heavenly Lord have used Brother Russell in any measure he is very glad and very thankful to be used. And if the Lord is pleased to use him any more, he will be glad to be used down to the last breath, but he does not want any worship, he does not want any undue adoration, he does not want any praise. He is glad to have the love of all those who are brethren of the Lord and to be considered a fellow-servant with all, striving to bring to pass all the glorious things that God has promised, striving to tell the good tidings of great joy to as many as the Lord, our God, shall call.

    -1910; ("Convention Report Sermons", pg. 125)

    My own thoughts pertaining the the faithful and wise servant:

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