Okay, whenever you lie, you are deceiving even if you don't mean to. And when you realize it's wrong, you correct it. And if you are REALLY interested in the REAL truth, you make sure your info is accurate. That's what truth is. And the WT doesn't do that.
StandFirm Says The Watchtower Society Has Never Lied!
by LostGeneration 114 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Why isnt Standfirm out in the field ministry?
No Room For George
At best they over-speculated, at worst they lied. Either way, they delivered false promises and false hope for over 100 years and counting. A bunch of lives wasted, families broken up, suicides, and missed oppurtunites all over an unconscionable publishing company not humble enough to admit they effed up.
Reasoning Book:
What the source actually says:
^ Wow. Some people just can't handle the truth. Its in print and people still say that 'it' ever happened. Just sad .
For a fully indoctrinated cult member there is never a lie since a revision is just new light and the old teachings become old lie. These delusional individuals will never ever see the reality and for these people cults are just fine. They do not have reasoning capabilities but follow blindly the ever changing teaching produced by their leaders. Stanfirm may be one of them. I think, we know or knew a lot of these individuals who will never change even if wts told them that Jesus never returned but the event is future. These people will view this as new light and claim that wts never lied to anyone about 1914 in the past - this is what occurred with 1874 and many other days.
It's hard to not to try to reason with these people but really there is no point.
No Room For George
Wow, LeavingWT I've never seen that bit of information, or maybe I had and just don't recall it. Either way.....wow. I swear it used to be every day I saw or learned of something underhanded the WT did, now its like a couple times a week. One of the most unscrupulous organizations on this planet.
George: I'm just getting warmed up.
Misquotations in the Creation Book