They predicted the return of the older ones, and prepared a place
for them to stay, it didn't happen, turned out to be false
false= not true and not true = a lie
by LostGeneration 114 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They predicted the return of the older ones, and prepared a place
for them to stay, it didn't happen, turned out to be false
false= not true and not true = a lie
Of this alone even God is deprived, the power of making things that are past never to have been.
Examples of WT deception can be found in this well-written essay: Historical Idealism and Jehovah's Witnesses: A critical analysis of how they present their history.
Personally, I like this one:
God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached (1973), 352-3 17 The "Slave" Who Lived to See the "Sign"
Similarly, in the year 1919, Jehovah did "turn [his] hand back upon those who are insignificant." (Zechariah 13:7) Jehovah's Shepherd-King, Jesus Christ, did begin regathering the scattered "sheep." Like the slave's master in the illustration, the Lord Jesus did return to his house and inspect the situation within it. He did find there a "faithful and discreet slave" class that was striving, in spite of world conditions, to do as commanded, give the Lord's "domestics" at the proper time their spiritual food, food taken from the inspired Word of God. So the Lord showed his favor by regathering them into a well-organized body of "domestics" in his house. The eight-day general convention held at Cedar Point, Ohio, on September 1-8, 1919, was a notification to all the world that the invisibly present Lord Jesus Christ was regathering his faithful "sheep." It indicated to the world who it was that the returned Lord Jesus had found to be his "faithful and discreet slave" class. This made the "slave" class happy. It meant their being retained in the service of their heavenly Master.
Not only did the 'slave class' not know they were a class in 1919, but they were also unaware that they had been inspected and rewarded as such. They remained unaware of the inspection until c. 1922 and that they were a class (instead of an individual, i.e. Russell) until 1927. So the claim that the 'slave class' was 'happy' or that the world was in any way notified about Jesus' selection in 1919 is pure fabrication.
I had no idea Beth-Sarim was an historical landmark...I'm surprised the city of San Diego even cares.
Outlaw...Viagra...holy crap..that was hysterical!
Outlaws post of the watchtower cover regarding all those on the cover who have died really hits home what a load of BS 1914 really is.
Here's a classic lie from Watchtower.
At times explanations given by Jehovah’s visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. *** Watchtower, 1981 12/1 p. 27 par. 2 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter ***
However, Watchtower said in: 1879 -- Sodomites will be resurrected. This became a "previous point of view". 1952 -- Sodomites will not be resurrected. This became a "previous point of view". 1965 -- Sodomites will be resurrected. This became a "previous point of view". 1988 -- Sodomites will not be resurrected. This became a "previous point of view". 1988 -- Sodomites will be resurrected. This became a "previous point of view". 1989 -- Sodomites will not be resurrected.
When a doctrinal teaching goes from a YES to a NO -- that cannot, by any stretch of logic, be considered an adjustment. A dimmer switch could be considered an adjustment of light. This teaching, however, is like a strobe light -- it's been either OFF or ON. In this single doctrinal teaching, the Watchtower has blatantly contradicted itself 5 times over. They have done what they have said they haven't done. That makes them a liar 5 times over -- and this is just the tip of the iceberg. LenHello there Pyramid scheme,
I bet when people find out why it's a historical landmark
they start to laugh "HYSTERICALLY"
So, this genius only defines a lie as a falsehood that was deliberate? Really?
How about happiness?
The Watchtower published many articles about depression, especially in the Awake magazine. Later, perhaps due to the obvious embarassment this epidemic of depression created, they claimed that 'Jehovah's Witnesses are the happiest people on earth' !
Did they produce any evidence for this claim? No, actually they rejected any participation in sociological studies made on Jehovah's Witnesses, both in private letters to bodies of elders and the Kingdom Ministry. So, they deliberately rejected any production of evidence that would prove (or disprove) their claim of "happiness" above all other people.
The evidence of depression continues, as Witnesses consume Prozac/Wellbutrin/Paxil/Zoloft and.............. alcohol. Scientific evidence, based on monitoring of brain wave patterns, says that Buddhist meditators are happiest!
So, there you have it. They lied - and continue to lie - about the most important area of human thought, namely happiness.
And how important is happiness?
Well, it's the F***ing purpose of life !!! Is there anything more important than that?
If anyone says anything contradictory, like 'serving God' or other nonsense, ask them , "if serving God makes you miserable, what is the point of living forever'?
We hold these truths to be self evident (except to the dense, I guess) that happiness is the purpose of life, period, end of discussion.
Outlaw....seeing that pic just gave new meaning to the kingdom melody - Stay Awake, Stand Firm, Grow Mighty.
A step-by-step for getting some action.
Examples of WT deception can be found in this well-written essay: Historical Idealism and Jehovah's Witnesses: A critical analysis of how they present their history.
Personally, I like this one:
God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached (1973), 352-3 17 The "Slave" Who Lived to See the "Sign"
Similarly, in the year 1919, Jehovah did "turn [his] hand back upon those who are insignificant." (Zechariah 13:7) Jehovah's Shepherd-King, Jesus Christ, did begin regathering the scattered "sheep." Like the slave's master in the illustration, the Lord Jesus did return to his house and inspect the situation within it. He did find there a "faithful and discreet slave" class that was striving, in spite of world conditions, to do as commanded, give the Lord's "domestics" at the proper time their spiritual food, food taken from the inspired Word of God. So the Lord showed his favor by regathering them into a well-organized body of "domestics" in his house. The eight-day general convention held at Cedar Point, Ohio, on September 1-8, 1919, was a notification to all the world that the invisibly present Lord Jesus Christ was regathering his faithful "sheep." It indicated to the world who it was that the returned Lord Jesus had found to be his "faithful and discreet slave" class. This made the "slave" class happy. It meant their being retained in the service of their heavenly Master.
Not only did the 'slave class' not know they were a class in 1919, but they were also unaware that they had been inspected and rewarded as such. They remained unaware of the inspection until c. 1922 and that they were a class (instead of an individual, i.e. Russell) until 1927. So the claim that the 'slave class' was 'happy' or that the world was in any way notified about Jesus' selection in 1919 is pure fabrication.
ka chap. 17 pp. 352-353 pars. 45-46 The “Slave” Who Lived to See the “Sign”
The Lord Jesus explained why the state of the “faithful and discreet slave” was a happy one, for Jesus said: “Happy is that slave if his master on arriving [Greek: elthòn] finds him doing so. Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings.” —Matthew 24:46, 47; Luke 12:42-44.
w84 12/1 p. 17 par. 12 Keep Ready!
We understand these things today, thanks to the increasing light that has been shed on God’s Word by means of “the faithful and discreet slave” class. (Proverbs 4:18) Concerning that “slave,” Jesus stated: “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings.” (Matthew 24:45-47) When the enthroned Lord Jesus inspected his household in 1919, he found the group of Christians associated with the Watchtower magazine loyally striving to “keep on the watch” with the help of spiritual “food at the proper time.” Until this very day, that “slave” class has faithfully continued to provide spiritual food to enable the Master’s “domestics” and their companions to “keep looking, keep awake.”—Mark 13:33.
Hebrews 6:4-8 is referring to apostasy but “tasted the heavenly free gift” describes the heavenly calling the faithful and discreet slave received in 1919. The rest of Hebrews 6:4-8 also applies to the great crowd of other sheep.
For it is impossible as regards those who have once for all been enlightened, and who have tasted the heavenly free gift, and who have become partakers of holy spirit, and who have tasted the fine word of God and powers of the coming system of things, but who have fallen away, to revive them again to repentance, because they impale the Son of God afresh for themselves and expose him to public shame. For example, the ground that drinks in the rain which often comes upon it, and that then brings forth vegetation suitable to those for whom it is also cultivated, receives in return a blessing from God. But if it produces thorns and thistles, it is rejected and is near to being cursed; and it ends up with being burned. Hebrews 6:4-8
What made the faithful and discreet slave “happy” was receiving God's Spirit and faithfully responding to being appointed over Jesus' belongings.
On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. Moreover, those who belong to Christ Jesus impaled the flesh together with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:22-24
marked..I'm going to start a thread on all of the unethical misquotes and distorted quotations of Watchtower publications.. I'm sure someone has an index.