by JustHuman14 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    We Represent a Group of People we admit We Don`t Know..


    Are sure Most of Them are Crazy!..

    What is the point of deeming Revelation's "144,000" as a literal number when you don't keep track of whos who? It might as well be a symbolic number that represents the class of the Governing Body.

    It seems apparent to me that this is the GB's secret wish, but they just can't figure out how to "phase out" the partakers covertly.


  • sizemik
    What is the point of deeming Revelation's "144,000" as a literal number when you don't keep track of whos who? It might as well be a symbolic number that represents the class of the Governing Body.

    It would certainly suit their purposes better from a practical viewpoint sab. It is incongruent with there insistence that the FDS is the "channel" God uses . . . his "official spokesman" and overseer of earthly affairs . . . that they take such a loose and casual attitude toward it's constitution.

    The shadowy concept of the FDS has been a major factor in replacing the "charismatic leader" element present in most cults. It is the only real feature of WT that falls outside the traditional definition. It provides that "magical" element nevertheless, and deflects the spotlight to some degree away from "imperfect men" . . . and gives the GB some latitude to make mistakes without accepting reponsibility for them in the eyes of R&F. A clever mechanism which has worked for them so far. However, the current shambolic situation re; the climbing statistics, is damaging to the concept . . . which is in turn creating some uncertainty with some JW's I know. The current GB lacks the smarts of some of it's predecessors and is appearing more than a bit rudderless IMO.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I've often wondered what the difference is between a psychotic person hearing voices and Jesus' hearing voices. It is society's spin. Perhaps it depends on how functional the person is in other parts of life. Jesus hearing voices, Paul seeing a flashing light, no else saw, Mohammed, Luther --people believing in predestination. The concept of the elect is so against Jesus' teachings IMO. Yet all cultures believe in some sort of cathartic conversion experience as valid, respect and sought after.

    So what is the difference between Jesus' conversing with Satan, giving legitimacy to the voices, and the demon possessed he liberated?

    We have a medical model of mental illness that others do not.

    Bipolar people don't bother me if they aren't violent. Arrogant people who usurp power bother me. Telling me I can't have choice and must worship their particular worship variant is far more troubling.

    There is no external, objective evidence for election. It says a host of things about the person believing they are better before God than their fellow humans.

  • JustHuman14

    Nice logic Band on the Run. With the same logic, some miracles are credited to Jesus and others to Satan!!! So it doesn't make sense...

  • smiddy

    I always wondered why those that claimed to be of the anointed in congregations I attended never had any special privelidges,no say in the running of the congregations,no say whatsoever !! Yet they are supposed to be rulers with Christ in heaven,I could never get my head around that one.

    And yes I do agree with those that say their will be no more reporting of how many are partakers from now on,if it hasn`t stopped this year it certainly will next year


  • smiddy

    Their must have been a real upsurge in the number who professed to be of the anointed this year for this statement to be made.

    And for someone to say : This is going to cause major embarasment to the Society if we dont nip this in the bud now.


  • ballistic
    WBTS: We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know.

    They are setting up to remove the figures from the annual figures, and when asked for a reason, they can quote the above, 'cas it always sounds good quoting something, even if it's your own tripe.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    I always wondered why those that claimed to be of the anointed in congregations I attended never had any special privelidges,no say in the running of the congregations,no say whatsoever !!

    The last one that visited me was every bit as sane as a lady I met who sold crystals from her gypsy caravan.

    She was very impressed with my garden and asked very nicely if she could have my weeds for her concoctions.

    I got the impression from the Dubs that they were proud to be associated with her.

    I suspect that the weed she really needed was in the garden she didn't get to see.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    I know what I am about to say is a little off topic, but still has relevance. That is, religion in general does tend to practice a double standard over the matter of dealings with the spirit realm. (I have family members who are Buddhist by religion, and they are no different to anybody else over this one).

    Typically, if a member of ones own religion hears voices or performs a miracle, it is from God:

    - the Christian churches may even cannonize the individual, and he/she becomes a saint.

    However, if these voices are heard or miracles performed by a member of another religion, then it is from the Devil.

    - in times past, the christian churches would then burn the individual at the stake for practising witchcraft.

    All I can add is that I am glad to be well out of it!


  • cameo-d

    And they follow the lamb WT wherever it goes......zig zag. flip flop

    WW3 is a war of mind control; it is an invisible enemy

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