except Conversations with God which is not divine, but demonic...that must have caught my eye leading to my rant).
I ''hear'' Christ... That is definately NOT demonic!
by corpusdei 122 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
except Conversations with God which is not divine, but demonic...that must have caught my eye leading to my rant).
I ''hear'' Christ... That is definately NOT demonic!
You did not write a book claiming to be channeled from God. We hear Christ through the Bible, not through Conversations with God, Urantia Book, A Course in Miracles (all were demonically channeled like WT buddy Johannes Greber that they have quoted for support of their doctrine of demons).
LOL. You are nuttier than a fruit cake, godrulz!
We hear Christ through the Bible
I don't hear through the bible... I ''hear'' an audible voice... My Lord's voice.
Calling those that wrote those books ''demonic'' is well judgmental.
Research ACIM. This Jewish atheist had an entity channel the book to her. It was an angel of light speaking contrary to Scripture, not Jesus. Muhammad did not have Gabriel give the Koran (again, contrary to Scripture). Joseph Smith may have seen an angel of light (Moroni), but it was not Father/Jesus who gave him the Book of Mormon.
Godrulz I looked up ACIM and all I can see is that a woman called Helen Schucman ''heard'' an audible voice who identified Himself as Jesus... How do you know it was an ''angel of light''?? I can't see anything in what I have read that would say it was demonic.... I'm not denying that there are ''angels of light''.... The WT is one of them.
I ''hear'' very well... It is most definately teh Christ I hear... Certainly not an angel of light.
I will research Helen Schucman some more.
where you there godrulz, or how do you know all that? did a voice in your head tell you? there should be some doctors out there able to help you...
Godrulz it says that Helen Schucman was Jewish and had an interest in religion... It mentions nothing about her being an athiest... Although an athiest wouldn't ''hear'' Jesus' voice would they??
Anywhoo Peace
In what way does it contradict??