That would mean that all that has and will occur has, in HIS timeframe. That means that HE already knows the outcome with Satan.
Well, I mean, through the Revelation, He DID show John what the outcome will be, yes, dear Revealer (peace to you!)? And Christ is recorded to have said, "The ruler of this world has BEEN judged." Yes?
Why then wait to deal with him??
According to my Lord... there is a time for EVERYTHING... and it isn't time. I did not ask, but he went on to say that everything has its purpose and works for the will of the Father. In upsetting the timeframe, much more harm can be done than not. MUCH more. There are other "covenants" in existence and in effect and those must be recognized. I know that there are covenants with the animal kingdom; however, I do not know to what specifically he was referring.
The above passages indicate that Jesus of Nazareth knew all along it would be Judas.
Dearest Syl... the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one! My apologies; I was coming from a point of the question regarding what was prophesied. According to our Lord he knew, yes, even from "the beginning"... but that was from the beginning of his ministry. Not prior to coming or prior to his baptism. He didn't know before starting his ministry and choosing the Apostles that it would be Judas. It was only after their choosing that what Judas really was began to manifest. Remember, JAH chose the 12; yet, our Lord said, "I know which ones I chose" and excluded Judas from that statement. And there is a reason why: Judas' betrayal was "extra-special" - he was very close to our Lord, dear one, one of his best friends growing up. As a child, then, he had no idea.
Psalm 41:9; 55:13-14
Once he received the Father's holy spirit, however, and the "heavens were opened to him," he could see everything... including what was IN others. Prior to that, however, while he was still learning, he was subject to the limitations of his flesh, just as we are... which not only hides us from others... but others from us. Since dear QO's question was with regard to prophecy, I think our Lord's respond was as to that. He knew it would be someone close but that wasn't immediately revealed to him. Like the "day and hour." Prior to his ascension, not everything was revealed to him right away. Prior to his baptism, even more things weren't.
But that's WHY what Judas did was SO bad - it wasn't someone who had recently become acquainted with him right after his baptism and identification, or during his ministry... or someone who was "posing" as a disciple but an imposter. Judas was his friend, intimate friend. They were homeboyz... "dawgs"... as boys. They hung out, even attending temple (school) together. Judas started to "change"... or rather, manifest more of what was "in" him once he allowed the Adversary IN. Because of this, although he had great love for him, our Lord "gave him UP"... to his course. He said that because it WAS Judas it hurt almost beyond measure; that it's one thing to be betrayed, but it's another entirely to be betrayed by someone YOU love, a close friend, almost a brother.
And weren't John and Jesus........ BFF's?
No, dear CBJ (peace to you!)... that was my Lord and Lazarus (Simon the Kanaean/Zealot). That misunderstanding came from some misconcluding that John wrote the gospel attributed to him because he was given the Revelation ("Surely, Christ loved him MOST if he gave him the Revelation!"). But that really isn't the case. Lazarus was the one for whom my Lord had brotherly affection. He was VERY close to Lazarus and his sisters, Mary (the Magdalene) and Martha. These three lived in Bethany after having fled from Magdala (because of Mary's demons and "occupation" and Lazarus' leprosy - all of which rendered them "unclean" and subject to great social ostracism and/or harassment).
As for whether Judas was at the evening meal, dear ones, he was... and it's very easy to know this truth:
1. He partook; he is the disciple to whom my Lord passed the bread FIRST. The different is that HIS "morsel" was "dipped" in the gravy (from the meal they had all just eaten, which is where the bread and wine came from)... indicating that the receiver was POLLUTED. He received an "unclean" morsel of the bread... because HE was unclean and so, although 12 tribes were represented so that the "covenant for a kingdom" could be ratified, Judas' "agreement" was not clean and thus invalid. Hence, he was replaced by someone "clean" - Matthias (and NOT Paul!!).
2. My Lord is recorded to have spoken of him... while he was still there, just AFTER he instructed them to partake of his "flesh" and "blood":
"Look! The hand of my betrayer is with me at the table…” Luke 22:21
After which they all began to discuss who it might be that he was speaking OF. A great deal of discussion went on after the partaking (which was not the actual meal; that came before), before they left the room. But what's written in the Bible aside, one can know just based on logic:
The covenant was made with 12 tribes, not 11, so he HAD to be there. Had Judas left or not been there, one tribe would have been omitted. That couldn't have happened because the promise was to 12 tribes.
I am not trying to contend with anyone but only set the matters accurate as I receive them from my Lord. I understand that some don't agree and that's totally fine. But I would remiss to say, on the one hand, that I love you and wish you peace... while on the other hand either lying to you or withholding the truth from you. I so I thank you for your patience and indulgence, truly.
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,