Words have a semantical range of meaning. Hermeneutics, not textual criticism (psacramento), would be the issue for interpretation. Textual criticism would deal with variants if different words were used. In this case, the Greek word is not in dispute, so interpretative (herm.) principles are needed. First mention does NOT work in every case since authors can easily use the same word in a different context to mean different things. The same is true in English. The only reason NWT does not consistently translate it as worship for Jesus is because they deny His Deity, not because the context demands it (Heb. 1:6; Rev. 4-5 argues against them). Cumulative evidence shows that Jesus is God, so it is better to put worship than obeisance as the Spirit intended (cf. NWT about 69/70 times translates 'ego eimi' I am, EXCEPT at Jn. 8:58, where it wrongly says 'I have been' to avoid the Jehovahistic implications if they translated it consistent with every other passage). Jesus is God of gods, King of kings, Lord of lords, Alpha and Omega, I AM, etc., worthy of worship because He is equal with the Father and of the nature of God vs angel/man. WT must distort all of the Deity verses to avoid trinitarian implications at all costs. If they would use obeisance as full worship of God/Father, then we would not object. They are biased, sectarian, inconsistent (just because a word can have a range of meanings does not mean they are all equally valid to plug into a context arbitrarily to suit one's purposes).
Is Rev 5:11-14 Worship or Obeisance?
by JCISGOD98 117 Replies latest watchtower bible
And if he turns out to be just a nice young Jewish guy that got himself killed 2000 years boy did a lot of people spend to much time on their knees...
You may be misunderstanding my point, and my point is HOW the writer uses a word is what dictates how the word is used for the rest of his writings.
If John, the first time he uses proskueno, uses it as worship then there is no reason to deviate from that use.
Looking at it in any other way is inserting our translating bias into the text and there is no need for that.
As for authors using a word in one context and then, in the same writing genre, using it in another, yes this can happen, but when it does it is quite obvious withing it's OTHER context.
Again, going back to the subject, there is no reason to think that John meant worship when he reffered to God and obeisance when it reffered to Christ then back again to worship when reffereing tot he beast and Satan, then back again to obeisance to Christ and back again to worship to God.
It doesn't make any sense.
Add to that this simple test:
Why does one worship God?
What is the criteria and can one apply the same to Christ?
The answer is yes.
We worship God because he is the light and love and all that is good, so is Christ.
We worship God because he is the creator of all things and through WHO did he creat? Christ so BOT are worthy in that regards.
We worship God because he is righteous and forgiving, so is Christ.
Etc, etc.
Only God is worthy of worship in spirit and in truth. If Jesus is Michael, worship would be forbidden based on Revelation/Decalogue.
Only God is worthy of worship in spirit and in truth.
Of course I agree, but WHY?
Why are God and Christ worthy of worship?
You always seem to forget that God has the big Fairy Wand and can go BLING SPARKLE you're now a new God.
Its ruby slippers, not fairy wand, get it right heathen !
God is the most valuable, awesome, beautiful, perfect being in the universe. Value obligates. His Majesty would tell us to give worship and glory if there was a more worthy being in the universe. Exalting God is the right thing to do and He is inherently worthy of worth-ship. Objects are not God and not worthy (idolatry). God commands worship. It is not selfish on His part, but what we are created for. JWs do not understand worship, but just drone on with dry theocratic songs.
You're right I should keep up with my Bible reading better it is Click click with the Red Slippers
You seem to be speaking from an EMOTIONAL standpoint, not valid reasoning.