Grammatical gender is applied to personal and impersonal objects and is not related to sexual gender. The only reason you say He is an it is because of preconceived bias. He is described as having will, intellect, emotions. This merits personal pronouns. As pointed out in my link, a male child can be neuter or feminine grammatically despite not being so genetically. You are still playing WT games by quoting obscure, questionable scholars or misquoting them. Harvard is a liberal school, not a conservative Christian one. Hundreds of translators and expert Gk. grammarians would take exception to his views. WT has quoted master Greek scholar A.T. Robertson (and misquoted him). If you would check out his thoughts, you would find full defense for Jn. 1:1 God vs a god; personal pronouns and the Spirit, etc. I will take credible, conservative, biblical scholarship over someone who does not claim to be a theologian and whose grammatical points can be refuted (Koine Greek/biblical theology is different than a guy who has some knowledge of Greek). If a liberal pseudo-scholar denies the virgin conception of Christ and His resurrection, I will start looking for the flaws in his argumentation because he is teaching contrary to Scripture. For every WT article claiming support for their cultic views, we can show how they have found obscure, non-Christian sources, misquoted credible Christian sources, misunderstood the scholarship by quoting out of context, etc. I am glad you are trying to research on your own, but you seem to lack the ability to discern evidence based stuff from questionable stuff. The fact you think neuter gender is tied is with personality or genitals proves to me that you don't understand the issues and are hoping to gain credibility by quoting an obscure source that disagrees with far more credible sources in quality and quantity. The NWT is a poor, sectarian version. You will not find support for it from translators. Franz was simply not qualified to do a Bible translation nor were the other guys who are afraid to give their names (we know them) because of there lack of expertise and credentials to make a translation. There is a reason that Bibles with hundreds of scholars working on a translation (from all denominational backgrounds) would not come up with WT theology or NWT (the Hebrew/Greek simply does not support WT).
DeBuhn's lack of credibility