Mr. Snowbird and I Are Reconciling

by snowbird 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    We've agreed to compromise on our differences and support each other through the years we have left.

    I'm seeing a psychiatrist today to deal with my difficulties that stem from a traumatic and tumultuous childhood.

    He is willing to yield in his beliefs that a man should control everything and make all the decisions.

    Being a stubborn Jamaican, I realize how hard that is for him.

    We're going to renovate the house so that he has his own quarters.

    That way, my boisterous g'kids won't work his nerves too badly.

    Just wanted to put it out there.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Very pleased for you. Separate quarters is something i have observed with some that actually works, as it provides time apart while still being together too.

    Lifes too short to not enjoy the years left...


  • snowbird
    Lifes too short to not enjoy the years left...

    Amen and thanks, Aussie.

    There comes a time when your differences no longer matter.

    We've reached that point.


  • MsDucky

    Wishing you all the best and a harmonious relationship! Sounds like you are off to a good start.

  • TotallyADD

    I have never seen a relationship last without alot of hard work by both mates. Reopened Mind and me sometimes wonder how we lasted so long with each others. We are just two stubborn people. We both have only in the last few years have a peaceful life with each other and are happy. Leaving the cult has help. But a better understanding of each other is what has made the difference. Instead of trying to change each other we have come to understand why each one of us feels that way. By doing that we are able to change were it matters and the rest we just accept what does not really matter. It works for us. Everybody problems are different this is just what works for us. I am happy you both are working hard to stay together. The rewards out weigh the sacrifices you both are making. Good luck to both of you. Totally ADD

  • lovelylil

    Good Luck to you, I'll keep you both in my prayers. Lilly

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I hope it all works out for you.

    How has your JW daughter reacted to the news?

  • snowbird

    Thanks for all the good admonition and advice.

    McD, so good to hear from you.

    Totally, so true, so true.

    Lilly, my sister in Christ.

    BP, our little daughter couldn't care less one way or the other - as long as she can keep up with her JW activities.

    He is a good, good father to her, treating her like she's a princess.

    Little heifer!


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew


    i sincerely hope it works out and you both find mutual happiness. I also think that a word of caution about excusing old ways that might resurface and begin to grow ( the control issue) don't give it an inch.

    not trying to be intrusive just don't allow yourself to get hurt.

  • Podobear

    Hugs and cuddles from across the Big Pond, Sylvia. Peace and tranquility to you and yours.


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