This thread is very important to me in a personal way. Last saturday morning, after having my usual coffee, I entered my office for some quiet time.
My version of quiet time involves listening to 60's & 70's protest music with headphones and an open window. Well, as usual, the music and lyrics creates a melancholy and reflective mood. This time it was much more intense. I listened to Barry McGuire's "Eve of Destruction" several times and Coven's "One Tin Soldier" and many others over and over again. Then after I am finished reminiscing about the past, my youth, my family in the "old country" and my mistakes, I shed some quiet tears and begin my day.
This time the effects and moods lasted much longer. I began to reflect on religion and the WTBS and the Bible while the music was playing. A "new experience" happened for the first time in my life. I suddenly realized that since the beginning of the origin and exodus of judeo-christian religions from the middle-east into the western world, that the men/leaders/clerics/scholars/teachers NEVER REALLY KNEW AT ALL if they were right.
I suddenly realized that as they met and sat together and they contemplated, researched, pondered, wondered, speculated, prophesied, predicted, interpreted, that in fact, they themselves were fully aware that they had no absolute proof of anything at all! They weren't providing any information or revelation that any other human couldn't conujure up for themselves, minus the organizational control, policy making and subjugation.
I kept saying to myself over and over, "they knew all along", "they knew all along" that they could only specualate and guess. Thousands of now famous historical ancient men explaining and interpreting fear and superstition for mankind and commanding authority for doing so!
Why? How could they continue to do this and then pass it on from generation to generation? The answer came to me from the simple and straightforward lyrics of yesterday's songs from the past, they all believed that "GOD" would "help and support" them if they went public and brought their teachings to the public. They assumed authority under the principle that someone had to in order to defend "GOD" and the bible and that they would be blessed and progress, even without proof! Audacious isn't it?
But, isn't that how religions start? After all of this transpired, the anger arrived. I kept picturing the GB and other religious leaders (Pope, Synods, etc) meeting in groups and deciding policies that affect human lives, without conscience, assuming they are performing a service. How dare they?
Now, I am convinced that humans and religions CANNOT represent "GOD" or the "Supreme Being". He/She/It can only represent itself!