Such language RHW. Tsk, tsk, tsk, just because you have bestowed the mantra on Zazu, doesn't mean you don't have to set the proper example for the rest of us.
Heresy of the Month
by thinker 87 Replies latest watchtower bible
thinkers wife
So now we have the "Anti-Adipose League". Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!
the stumblebumb
TW, if you are looking to ME to set the proper example, you are in SERIOUS trouble. ROFL
thinkers wife
What does ROFL mean? I am so dumb. And you better behave or I'll come up there and take you to task personally.
TW -
ROFL is the abbreviated version of ROFLMAO. -
Roll On Floor Laughing
There are some others like
BTW - By the way
RTFM - Read the flippin' manual
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
They are often used in Chatrooms to save typing.
I'm sure someone could point you to a list somewhere? -
From your spiritual guide and Thinker's desciple,
All this chit chat is nice and all, but I think we need to get back to the very serious subject at hand. Now that you have had a chance to read and absorb Thinker's words of inspiration, and you have read my indisputable additional proofs, it is time for me to introduce more meat in due season which is only meant to enhance what we have already learned here and not in any way meant to dispute established truth.
The scriptures plainly show with no uncertainty that people today will not enter into a great tribulation as is taught by the wicked, Satanic religions of this world. Oh, no, the wicked grease eaters and the back sliding cheeseburger mongers will enter into the "Great Fribillation." and if that time was not cut short, heart attacks would be everywhere and medical insurance costs would soar. Truly, and unmistakedly, this is sign of the last days.
Please print this out and unerline the important parts. There will be a question later.
I wanted to announce that for the memorial sevice, we will be serving bread and Slim Fast. -
I just wanted to let you know Simon is saying VERY nicely~RTFM:)
mommy -
thinkers wife
Thank you all very much for the enlightening abbreviations. This has been worrying me for a very long time. I have figured a few of them out and even used them. But some of them eluded me. RTFM has got to be one of my absolute faves. But I must admit, sometimes flippin' just isn't a strong enough term sometimes.
You are truly a literary genius. I look forward to your very enlightening scriptural references. BTW, don't you think it is time my very excellent husband receives elder's status? I think he is ready now. Also could we have a side of Herbal Life, Slim fast just isn't on my menu. And make sure the bread doesn't have any fat in it. And BTW, I like dry wine.
TW -
Your husband is more than a mere elder. He is a modern day prophet. I have the priveledge of being the first choosen of 12 that will share the last Thanksgiving with him at some very distant, future date. Since it will be our last one, we are going to violate the rules and really gorge our selves.
After much thought, I have concluded that dry wine is OK, but we draw the line there. No Sherrys or Ports, too many calories.