I formed my questions in such a way as to only require a yes or no answer.
No, you asked a two part question and wanted a yes or no... meaning one part of your question was dependent upon the other part.
You know this because as you state below, you no longer want a yes or no... but rather a yes, yes... or a no, no.
Regardless, I am not bound by your constraints. I am not bound by your black and white, yes or no, dogma.
"do YOU believe this is true for YOU...and that is why YOU put YOUR faith in Jesus?"...your answer is, "I don't do it to save my life - my life belongs to him, whatever he chooses to do with it. I just do it because I love Him, and I follow Him for the same reason."...why is it so hard for you to say yes and yes?
Because my answer is not yes and yes. Why can't you see that?
Do I believe that I will die in my sins if I do not believe that Christ is He?
You need to define for me what 'dying in one's sins' means to you first, please.
My answer to the second part of your question is absolutely no. Like I said already, I put my faith in Christ because I love Him. Period.
you said: "But if you think that I am going to condemn anyone by my words... then you are mistaken"...let's talk about YOU...John 3:16-18...
If you continue to read verses 19 - 21, you might have a better understanding of a verse that you seem to be using to condemn.
And again, rejecting your version (or other versions) of Christ is not the same as rejecting Christ. (You don't seem willing to have a discussion or answer any of my questions directed to you, you realize. Why is that?)
you said: "Like I said, He said a lot of things. Love and mercy being of utmost importance."...isn't truth of utmost importance?
You tell me. Is knowing truth the greatest commandment... or love? Personally, I think they're one and the same. So if your truth is without love (or more important than love), then how can it be truth?
you said: "Yes, those who believe in and belong to Christ have eternal life in Him"...but you don't BELIEVE that He saves you...it's just a possibility.
I belong to Him. What He does with me is up to Him. Paul actually sums up my feelings on this matter:
"I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself... It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will epose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God."
you said: "I do trust Him entirely."...then why is it so hard for you to say yes and yes?...is it because it means that YOU would have to believe the same thing for everyone else and YOU don't think that is loving and merciful?...what is of utmost importance: love and mercy
or truth?...what does the Holy Spirit say to you about this?
All answered above.