No, when this started they are approximately 70 years old.
A Woman, A Woman - Oh What Can She Be?
by LoneWolf 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
@ N.Drew I chose the name "mean girl" because I hate how the JW's always tries to make women be "quiet and mild". They always put women in a subserviant role and it disgusted me from the time I was forced to attend a kingdom hall at the age of 13. I noticed the mysgony right away. I chose the name "mean girl" because I will not be quiet. I will not be mild. I was the only girl in a family with 3 older brothers. My parents accepted my brothers' behavior when they were rude and mean as "boys will be boys" and always told me that I was mean when I was acting the same way my brothers were. So I today I carry the name mean girl proudly.
I so Loved reading LoneWolf's words. The sweet sentiment is evident even 50 years later. My parents met when they were teenagers, my dad the local thug and my mom the goody two shoes church goer. They married when my mom was very young, about 5 years difference between them (and No, I'm not going to give their ages at the time). Just celebrated their 60 year anniversary.
Meangirl, that's just some 'man's' definition of the word crush. Get over it lady. You've hijacked what was a really great story about 2 people who are still it seems, very much in love.
'You might say I'm a dreamer; but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one.' -- John Lennon
I'm outta here.
@ Adiva, I am sure that when John Lennon wrote those words he was not intending for 18 year old men to date 13 year old girls, just saying....
If that is your idea of a dream then what can I say?
I, on the other hand, appreciated learning to be quiet and in subjection. Because I might have killed my husband if I had not learned that valuable lesson. But I understand that you feel that way, and do not blame you for being so tough, I actual enjoy your pluck very much! And I agree with your mission. I believe what the argument is is it does not apply all the time for everybody. It's called pharisaitical when you apply rules to all circumstances.
Just a thought. I have read many, many experiences of those on this forum who were teenagers in the 60's and are very bitter about making a decision to get baptized as a child. So, since that was 50 years ago are they justified or was that soooo long ago that they knew exactly what they were doing. Were they so grown up they made an informed decision and should be held accountable? How is the decision to get baptized as a teenager any different from making a decision to get married as a teenager.......
I have an errand to do. Is what you ask rhetorical? The difference between baptism and marriage? They are different.
All things are clean... to clean people, dear LW (again, peace to you!). Which stands to reason that all things are unclean... to unclean people. Here are the CURRENT ages of marriageable age for the U.S.:
Since the Oregon statute wasn't amended to the current age until the 1970's (after a previous amendment in 1965), the marriageable age in 1960 (when you were married) was probably 15 (perhaps with parental consent, but still legal):
Dear meangirl (again, peace to you, as well)... I really have no choice but to conclude that you haven't a clue. Particularly as to what occurred over 50 years ago. Was there pedophelia back then? Of course, there was. Has been almost since the beginning (Cain's wife/sister was probably quite young, even younger than the dear OP's wife at the time of their marriage). So, okay, now the world is more enlightened. NOW. That you're attempting to slander... and libel... someone for something done over 50 years ago... and which was most probably legal within less than a year (if not at the time, given that the age of consent to marry was only raised to 17 in Oregon in the 1970s... meaning, it was probably 16 before, and possibly 15 when the statute was amended in... 1965... five years AFTER the OPs marriage... is utterly ridiculous... and shows you really haven't much to do with your time.
All of that aside, though, I have to say that NEVER in my 10+ years of being on this board have I considered asking the moderators to give a warning to any poster. Not once. Not for ANY reason. However, you are seriously making me consider doing that, now. Your comments are off-topic, insulting, intended to incite hatred (based on personal characteristic) and... again, libelous. It is also an invasion of the OP's privacy, IMHO, because he did not ASK for YOUR consent to marry... but only related something while mentioning his [already legal and very consummated] marriage.
IF you had an issue, you should have either taken it to PM... or another separate thread ON the topic you obviously wish to make an issue of (and appear to have issues with).
So, I am going to ask you, kindly, to please cut it out. For one, I don't know what you think can be done about it; what, is he supposed to leave her, now, because he married her when she was (according to YOUR opinion) underage/immature/not ready? What if they had waited until she was 18... and he was 23? What difference would that have made, truly, if they still ended up married?
IF he was NOW 20 and she 15... your rant would make sense. But, again, since it occurred OVER 50 YEARS AGO... you only look silly. Please... stop.
Again, I bid you peace... although I don't think YOU have the maturity, regardless of how old you are now... to get and/or accept that. Again, though, it comes down to the difference between clean... and unclean... people.
Move on, girl.
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,
SA, who really marvels that you think you have a right to "judge" this matter and the poster, at all...
Makes sense to me. My grandmother was about 15/16 when she married my grandfather, who was about 5 years older (do the math), that was almost 80 years ago. They were married over 60 years before they both passed away within a year of each other. They had 14 kids. Should I dig my grandfather up and tell him that he was a sicko for marrying my grandmother at such young age? I don't think so.
Mama Bear has spoken!