^ Gladiator, You forgot Yahweh, El (pronounced Ale), and Allah. That might help more.
Does the Issue of Universal Sovereignty make sense to you as an explanation for evil?
by gubberningbody 233 Replies latest jw friends
It would be interesting to hear from the Easterners what they say about a bruising.
I went to bed, sorry... love back to you Palm, and to you Shelby ... and you N.Drew :).
I will say not the heel, but the retina.
Yeah, kinda with that... and the ears as well.
Michelle, there was more than just a war of course. "Heretics" being tortured and burned alive. Inquisitions, politics, you know... all that jazz. But we do agree on this one thing at least... anyone can use a name (or not use that name) falsely. Anyone.
Peace to all,