Christians Please Explain

by AK - Jeff 134 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty
    How does your tini tiny brain know if the Jews did not obey (not cold heartedly I am sure) in doing those terrible things they believed they had to do which in no way surpasses the good they conbtibuted, but anyway, that the world might not be here right now? Do you understand the question? - n.Drew

    For examples of genocide, kidnapp forced marriage and slavery see "Soldiers of Jah".

    Of course the cold blooded slaughter of thousands of infants was proably for some greater good, I'm sure you're right.

  • Dogpatch

    Organized religion has survived for eons because it is memetically USEFUL for the survival of its promoters. It is genetically vital!

    As a predatory species, we make sure it survives to keep our power and control over the prey. That's why it will continue to survive for ages to come. Even modern Sci-Fi movies have ROBOTS believing in God more than humans! (Battlestar Galactica) That is a REVERSE from former future predictions of emotionally detached species like Vulcans being superior. Only the powerful are superior... the charletans.

    Sure, religion is abused. Millions die. But the advantages are still more powerful than the abuses. Religion preserves cultures from extinction, regardless of its truthfulness.

    But it's nasty and bloody.

    Survival of the fittest is the law of the known universe.

    Dissenting prey will be eaten.

    Try me. I'll eat you bones and all.

    Does the preying mantis feel regret for eating the head of her mate?

    Don't think so. She just got laid! The head was dessert.


  • sizemik
    And, by the way, where did all the wonderful imagination and quick wit come from? Are you POSSITIVELY sure that without the executing of judgement that they did that we would still have the progress in all the whatever they're called, (like comedy) that we HAVE? Science and every other wonderful thing? OK? Prove it! . . . N.drew

    Hang on a minute mate . . .

    Are you saying that the imagination, "quick wit", comedy, science and "every other wonderful thing" we see today owes something to the ancient tribal God of the Hebrews and his "executing of judgement" ie; the slaughter of tribal enemies? . . . And if I don't agree, you want me to prove it?

    I just want to clarify the question . . .

  • cofty
    Organized religion .... is genetically vital - Dogpatch

    But we have the ability to rise above the dictates of our selfish genes. Our big brains trump "eat or be eaten" as a survival strategy. Religion said its last useful thing a very long time ago. One day it will be about as important as a hobby like knitting is today. That might be difficult to believe in North America but its already heading that way in Western Europe - thank god.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I think God has a fabulous sense of humour...thats why he made OBVES..therefore...imagination..wit...and comedy originates from God.

  • bohm


    One piece of evidence is the existence of the universe. If the atheistic hypothesis is correct, why does anything exist at all instead of nothing?

    well, as i see it you ask us to explain how you can get something from nothing. good question! my intuition tell me you cant.

    Just keep in mind the religious explanation goes something like: "assuming there never was nothing (god), then we can explain why there is something"... why is that a safe assumption? why is that a good explanation? if it is not an assumption but a logical implication, why does the implication point to god and not "not nothing"?

    The Big Bang was then a massive explosion that occurred apart from the physical laws of our current universe yet produced the incredible order we see.

    big bang is a description of a particular phase in our universe. we do not know what happened before the big bang. why is "we do not know what happened" not the most logical conclusion one can draw? if one arrive a different conclusion, why is it safe to assume the existence of an endless source of order and complexity, to explain why there is complexity and order?

    These facts indicate to me that the atheistic hypothesis actually requires more faith than the theistic one.

    i think i have shown that is false.

    There is also the issue of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If in fact it happened, it authenticates the existence of God and the teachings and claims of Jesus.

    i agree.

    The disciples were in a position to know (not guess) whether this actually occurred or whether they made the story up.


    They went to horrific deaths without recanting their testimony.

    what are the historical sources of their testimony? have other people died for prophets during the history?

    This is just a very short and much simplified version of a couple of arguments that have been made over the millennia. You don't have to accept them, of course, but they are not irrational.

    I agree with the last point, but i dont think they are very good.

  • sizemik
    I think God has a fabulous sense of humour...thats why he made OBVES

    Don't forget Lars . . .

    A black promiscuous bisexual Messiah who annointed himself with used motor oil while living in a dumpster . . .

    I think that's over doing it personally . . . he's just trawling for laughs now.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You could be right...but I think you need to look at the BIG picture...not everyone has the same sense of humour...he has to cater for all tastes...overall....I'd say he does a great job

  • wobble

    Good thread, it is easy to see where logic flies out of the window when peoples emotional attachment to a belief system is challenged. It has been good to read the back and forth on this thread, all done in afairly respectful way.

    I particularly like and agree with Sizemiks comments on how retarding religious views are on human progress, even scientists who believe are probably affected by the "we cannot know, only God can" attitude to certain questions, and most of humankind accepts the status quo far too much by thinking it is "God's will" or god will sort it in the future.

    A world without irrational beliefs affecting policy and action would be a much better place.

  • sizemik
    I'd say he does a great job

    Of course, we're riding along on the horse called presumption here . . . ie; assuming that he actually does anything at all, let alone bears any resemblance to the ancient Hebrew God of the OT.

    I think I'll wait until he hands in his report . . . signed and dated.

    It reminds me of the joke about all the Christians turning up in heaven after the end of the world . . . only to hear those fateful words "Sorry boys . . . but the Jews were right."

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