IT'S HALLOWE'EN ,,, what's your best scary movie ....EVER???? and WHY?

by talesin 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    "Night of the Living Dead" (1968) and "Dracula" (the 1992 Gary Oldman/Keanu Reeves version). Tie, for me. I could probably get through the first one now (then again, maybe not!), but I know I can't watch the second. I can't even watch when others are watching. The coffin of dirt racing along the cliff scene... the lady vampires eating the baby - yowsa! Sends {{{{{{{{{{mega-shudders}}}}}}}}}} up and down mine spine just thinking of it!

    "Alien" was also a bit much for me at the time. I had to watch Alien 2 and Alien 3 (both of which I LOVED) before I could get up the nerve to go back and re-watch the first one.

    Oh! Oh! I know, I know! "Trilogy of Terror"! (1975). All four vignettes were creepy but one had this little voodoo doll that came to life when its totem necklace fell off. Ooh-wee, talk about a mean little ugly voodoo doll! Made "Chuckie" look no more harmful than Ken on a bad-hair day...

    Scary movies are... scary.


    SA, on her own...

  • juni

    I was never a frequent movie watcher until I was living w/a friend who was. We watched a lot of horror movies together. I wish I could remember the titles. One that I do remember that was good was:

    Jeepers Creepers

    Another one that was really scary was about this old truck that kept following people and plowing into them. Sorry, can't remember the title.

  • littlerockguy
  • I quit!
    I quit!

    The 1977 BBC miniseries "Count Dracula" is a very good English horror movie MrsJones. Low budget but true to the original Bram Stoker story.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I was thinking of mentioning The Wicker Man littlerockguy. Great movie! (the 1973 version)

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    That was "Duel' by Stephen King Juni. It stared Dennis Weaver. There was almost no Dialogue in the movie

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    That was "Duel" by Stephen King Juni. Hardly any dialogue thoughout the movie but it was very intense.

  • talesin

    AGuest -- NOLD, can't do zombie movies *shudders* ,,, but it's a classic! and YES, that is a grt Dracula series (tho I'm partial to Frank Langella's). The Aliens series is a personal favorite "Get away from her, you b*tch!" lol! ,,, you must see Alien 4, it won't disappoint. I remember the Trilogy of Terror voodoo doll --- creepy!!~!

    Juni - isn't that another zombie movie .... eww! :) I had a hard time with I am Legend, too! I was thinking that truck movie was S King, and tx, I quit! you really know your horror flicks!

    lrg -- yes, yes, yes to the Wicker Man .... Kevin Bacon does it all,, from nice-guy to brrrrr (chilling!)

    ps. I have Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon!!! :)) *silly, but I love Kevin Bacon and gotta brag*


  • talesin

    Oh yes, I quit! Fright Night and Company of Wolves ---- classic 80s mmm hmmm

    Fright Night - the vampire next door .... 1st rule - never invite the Vampire into your home!


    PS. I just checked, there's a 2011 remake of Fright Night!

  • I quit!

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