I love so many horror movies and could name dozens of favorites. But very few of them are scary or creep me out. Sure, plenty of them have those quick, jump-out-at-you thrills, but very few of them stay with you by the time you're curling up in your bed that night in the dark.
For some reason, I still have a hang-up about ghost movies from my JW days. So they freak me out and I don't watch many of them, except the over-produced, way too fantastical ones. The more realistic, the more I shy away. Even the commericals for the Paranormal Activity movies freak me out, so I won't be seeing any of them.
Nightmare on Elm Street freaked me out when I first saw it. Especially when Freddy is walking down an alley with those long arms.
I know the series has gone corny, but the original Chucky in Child's Play really scared me. That pitter-patter of little feet. Shiver!
The first Scream also seemed pretty scary, especially when you first saw the hooded ghost face figure run across the screen in the background. After that, not so much, but it was a different take on your average serial-killer flick.
The original Romero Dawn of the Dead was my first zombie movie and that stayed with me a long time. Especially when the motorcycle guy was being ripped apart (was that Tom Savini maybe?). The setting was a mall and I saw it at a late-night showing at a mall theater. Came out at about 2am with an eye out for zombies.
Somebody mentioned Jeepers Creepers. That movie was brilliant. The creepy van, the finding something you weren't supposed to and knowing you're involved now.
I found the first Hostel movie disturbing. You're travelling, you're vulnerable. It's just plausible enough.
Martyrs didn't scare me, but I was very disturbed by this film. A cult captures some girls and one has her skin removed while being kept alive. Supposedly this will let her see God. I still shudder. I suppose I would at any movie that involved graphic torture. First time I ever felt sickened by a horror flick.
Had a friend that I saw the night he saw Blair Witch Project. I think he saw the promotional trailers and believed them. He was afraid of every shadow and bush. I saw it and it didn't seem scary in the least. More annoyed at wasting time on it than anything. And I absolutely hate it for introducing the whole shaky-cam effect into cinema.