An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Qcmbr

    Tec - you likewise are too clever for me. I cannot weave the meaning from the words you do. I am deficient and unworthy to discuss such subtle concepts with your towering intellect. A doffed cap and a swish of my cape I'm off to work out NDrew's cryptic crossword.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Aguest...I gotta say I liked reading your post 8182...And I do believe that you are genuine in your belief. Actually, I enjoy most of your posts.

    I do not however understand You or Tecs reasoning about the name Jesus..its a bit twisty for me.

    If men have twisted the name (which I find plausable)...and we cannot be saved by calling on it...again I say to you, that very few, other than the few here and others you may know can be saved if this is important. Most of the world will never even hear or know this name. I know you stated above that many other people from other religions know this name...but if God actually wanted it to be known wouldn't we hear it somewhere, anywhere else other than just here?

    Which then leads me to reason that if only a few are called, why put humans through all of this? Why allow the suffering? Why not just choose the people he deems worthy and be done with it? I know the old 'he desires all to be saved'...but hell, he already knows who will be saved. Why let all those children suffer in the process? How can there be any justification for that?

    I don't believe that you make stuff up, and the mental health comments just annoy me, my questions and ideas are aimed at understanding not aimed at your mental health or anyone elses here.

  • tec

    Not only was I insanely lucky enough to be born into the only true religion on the earth I also got to be , by some cosmic miracle, to be part of a forum that was chosen to be the first public unveiling of the most proper name of the Christ. Just who the heck am I? Someone special by any count. I'm all goose bumps.

    What true religion?

    Weren't you born into Mormonism anyway? By your own admission, you weren't calling on anyone real, right? So why would you take issue with this point at all?

  • Qcmbr

    Tec - tis ok you've won. I am obviously not very good at making it clear when I'm totally taking the piddle. I promise to be more subtle next time.

    Anyway I'm off to kick a puppy and teach the kittens why suffering is divinely necessary as I lob them off the bridge. On the way I'm stealing all Shamus' bananas.

  • N.drew

    Still thinking, I think time morphs. "he knows who is saved and who is not". I think not, not today. Even hahahah I have a short attention span. Even the Father of The Lord doesn't know. Because it is time to choose. Some will still choose. As they choose the future becomes different. We are free to choose till that day. What day? I don't know what day. But I know it is coming.

  • tec

    Still, I would say very much that it is the Spirit behind anything you do that counts for a lot. The spirit of a person speaks, perhaps more clearly than their voice. But we also know that people have turned the Christ, the Son of God, into something that he is not.... someone that doesn't even mesh with how the bible portrays him. Such as 'God hates fags'. Or the Jesus that wants you to kill your enemies, or show hatred, to shun, to follow men instead of Him, etc. Or the Jesus who happens to be blond haired and blue-eyed... certainly (gasp) NOT a jew!

    He doesn't not answer if someone is seeking Him, but calls on a wrong name/pronunciation. He can and does answer, out of love. (or how could Shelby have been answered to begin with, before she knew that name?) Just as you would answer if someone you loved called you by the wrong name... though it might mean something to you if they then took the time to try and pronounce your name right, out of love and respect for you.



  • Twitch
    Anyway I'm off to kick a puppy and teach the kittens why suffering is divinely necessary as I lob them off the bridge. On the way I'm stealing all Shamus' bananas.

    You heathen anglo saxon hun! How could you? Shamus loves his bananas...


  • tec

    Tec - tis ok you've won. I am obviously not very good at making it clear when I'm totally taking the piddle. I promise to be more subtle next time.

    No, you were using sarcasm (is that what taking the piddle means?), to try and make a point. I thought so, anyway. So I responded to that point, and chose to ignore the sarcasm.

    You do have a habit of asking questions, making assumptions, and then when those are answered in what seems to be a way that you did not anticipate, you just ignore the answers and move on to something else, and then it continues ad nauseam. You do not acknowledge that the answers you received contradicted the accusation or assumption you seemed to be making. Why is that?



  • Qcmbr

    Please refer to my tribute thread for a clear response.

  • sizemik
    is this a puzzle and we have to solve the cryptic clues to win the prize? . . . still thinking

    It would appear so . . . some however, can't/won't/don't/shan't/didn't/wasn't/will not/did not/shall not . . . get it.

    God does not play "dice" as Einstein contended . . . "hide and seek" is his game of choice . . . all those who have been "found" already, get to know where he's hiding . . . and can smugly watch others in their fruitless search. Remember that game?

    It's just adults playing hide and seek with an imaginary friend.

    It's all a bit childish really don't you think?

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