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Is the Holy Spirit God Himself or a force like in Star Wars?
by I_love_Jeff 224 Replies latest jw friends
I'd even go further and say that the OT Jehovah radically changes as NT Jesus because he gains the compassion that only flesh can bring. Without pain he is purely just and legalistic after he gains pain and suffering he adds mercy and the atonement.
One could argue that it took God becoming Man to make clear HOW god truly is.
That's an interesting thought.
How about a god isn't complete until it experiences death and then gains a perfect undying physicality?
Puts a whole new perspective on what this is all about, maybe it's not just us growing up. Maybe we are the sideshow.
I don't see how this would work - if a God experienced death it wouldn't be a God anymore unless it became split energy, one resurrecting the other half.
I think if it were possible, it would be necessary to have an understanding of the nature and function of the Spirit Realm to ponder even a small fraction of God's existence.
Why can't God experience a corporal death?
Why would we put a limit on what God can or can't choose to do?
The spirit never dies. Since god could be a title then the states of a god are:
Spirit only ( bible only describes Jehovah in this state)
Spirit plus immortal body ( Adam pre fall, Elohim and resurrected glorified Jesus/ Jehovah ) - final goal state.
Spirit plus mortal body (Jesus/ Jehovah, fallen - mortal - Adam / Holy Spirit )
Spirit post mortal body per resurrection ( Adam / Holy Spirit , Jesus for 3 days )
I think there have to be some limitations and these are a byproduct of existence. If God "died" then everything as we know it would be destroyed because our life force is given by the One that emanates it.
What do you think this scripture means? Matthew 24:35 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."
But Elohim hasn't died.
I think words is a synonym for children.
I once heard it said that Holy Ghosts are transformed by Christ’s energy which comes from the Father.