Will the Governing Body Ever Make a Big Enough Mistake?

by What Now? 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    I am not scared of Armageddon anymore. The JW doctrine no longer has any hold on me. But we’re still here, going to meetings and in service for the sake of maintaining our relationships with our family and friends. I don’t know how much longer this can last.

    My parents and in laws are in love with their grandson. It would kill them if my husband and I left the organization. I have two close friends in particular that would also take it extremely hard. Thinking of the hurt and pain it would cause them brings me nearly to tears.

    So my question is … do you think something “big” will happen within the organization one day?

    Do you think the Governing Body will make a major mistake that will open the eyes of most JW’s?

    Of course there will be many “die-hards” who will trust and obey anything the Governing Body says and does without question (actually, mine and my husband’s family would be in that group).

    But I pray that something big enough will happen one day … so that even if our friends and families don’t agree with or respect our decision to leave, they can at least understand it, or have some type of closure in a way.

    What are your thoughts?

  • wannabefree
    Of course there will be many “die-hards” who will trust and obey anything the Governing Body says and does without question

    I think you answered your own question.

    There may be things that cause some to wake up, others will assimilate the new teaching and go on.

  • insearchoftruth
    Do you think the Governing Body will make a major mistake that will open the eyes of most JW’s?

    As long as the WTS keeps the folks all but worshipping the GB, which seems to be more and more the case with the current teachings, the followers are equating the GB with Jehovah God himself, so a mistake may be made that would send a good number packing, but I think the mistake would have to be HUGE.....

  • sir82

    I expect a long slow fade into irrelevance for the WTS & JWs.

    50-100 years from now they'll be as insignificant as Christian Scientists or Quakers - just a few million aging loyalists hanging on and going through the motions.

  • leavingwt

    Nothing big is going to happen. As you see when you visit the Kingdom Hall, most of the people are on auto-pilot and they'll believe anything they read in the Watchtower.

    Only you can decide what is best for you and your family.

    However, for me, it's was either get busy living or get busy dying. I was dying a slow death for each day I was still a JW. I made a clean break, dealth with the extremely painful aftermath and then moved past it.

    You can find contentment and happiness if you leave, but it will come at a cost. Wait until you're ready.

  • MacHislopp

    Helo whatnow and all the others,

    yours is an interesting , and truthful obeservation of facts. Unortunately I thought that something

    would happen after the WTBS and UNO ...great deception. Now, more than 10 years later hope that :

    ***the pedophiles saga - thanks to W. Bowen and Barbara Anderson ;

    *** the latest sales - in Brooklyn - and acquisition upstate in Warwick , for tens of millions and millions of dollars;

    ***the latest major changes/flip flop in doctrines, teaching, viewpoint, clarification including

    the most idiotic and intelligence insulting 'teaching ' of the "overlapping generations"

    will on the end contribute to th gradual collapse of the WTBS corporation.

    Receive my greeting,

    J.C. MacHislopp

    P.S. Special greeting to my old friends....while I'm taking it easy due to my

    poor and frail health.

  • N.drew

    I think they will run out of money.

    It would be something worthy to pray for that the few rich JWs that contribute a lot would wake up and stop donating or even just stop donating.

    The GB using the love of God card to influence JWs to forsake their children and donate to the society instead should be outlawed. And it would make sense for the govenrment to do so, as the children who did not get their inheritence will be much more likely to become a burden to the STATE.

  • truth_b_known

    The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is a mind-control cult promoted by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. The Governing Body has already promoted the idea that if information does not come from them it is false and anyone seeking knowledge from any other source is to be disfellowshipped. So, the scenario you are looking for would have to come along very specific guidelines.

    It would appear that the WB&TS has gone from a corporation making money off of selling publications to a realestate scam. Some point in time international, national, and local media may begin a blitz on some aspect of this. The whole Menlo Park congregation lawsuit in federal court may be the tip of the spear on this whole thing.

    Congregations are being forced to take a loan from the WB&TS to build a new Kingdom Hall. They pay the loan, with interest, back to the WB&TS. Then the congregation signs the deed for the property over to the WB&TS. The WB&TS then sells the Kingdom Hall which has now accrued about 20 years of equity while selling another 20 year loan to the same congregation for their new Kingdom Hall.

    Lather, rinse, repeat...

    Oh, and the best part of all is that the whole process from beginning to end is tax exempt.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think they will run out of money.

    How? I think they have so much coming in vs. what it costs for them to produce anything. Otherwise, why the new Songbook? That created a need for at least 7 million copies, and many will not be paid for by low-earning JWs. The soft covered books have to be cheaper to produce, but they could have stuck with the old book for 10+ more years and just printed a new track or KS(??what number now??) to even a 32-pg brochure. The only excuse for the Songbook that I can see is that they don't have anything else to say about doctrine in a "real" publication. Look at the "Acts" book now being studied. Fluff. A 128-page propaganda tool on preach preach preach more more more.

    The sales of the Brooklyn real estate will allow them to shore up enough money for decades of hard times.


  • paladin

    I'm watching what will be the outcome of the Victoria, Australia court hearings if they ever go to trial. What could happen at that point and it goes public.

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