I don't think there's a mistake large enough for the whole house of cards to fall. With some people having invested 50+ years of their life to this clusterfuck, There is no way they will open up such a gaping whole in their life and move on without Mother. I often look at the 10 years+ I lost with a mix of embarresment, anger and even denial at times. This ugly organization is here to stay. Too big to fail, but plenty of bodies left along the way
Will the Governing Body Ever Make a Big Enough Mistake?
by What Now? 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No, I don't think the GB will ever make a "big" enough mistake. 1975 was huge. Ditching the 1914 generation was huge. If those weren't big enough, then their everyday blunders are not either.
That said, they do blunder enough that individuals or particular families might wake up. Keep hope alive. "Overlap" or idiotic comments in the WT like "Be more Christian and stay with your abusive husband" can wake people up, just not the majority of them.
Hello WhatNow
we seem to be in a very similar situation. When I first started reading this board, I was sooo hoping that something huge would rock the org. Now I see contoversies coming and going and I go to the hall and see the same group of people going through the motions. I remember back in 2000-2003 I was a die hard MS (although a lazy one) and I read now the discussions here on the board that were going on at the time, and I see I was in the dark back then...didn't know about the UN scandal or much about the child abuse stuff that was making headlines here. Sadely nothing really made me wonder honestly to myself "is this really THE TRUTH"
I agree with Sir82's comment about a very slow fade as a group:
"50-100 years from now they'll be as insignificant as Christian Scientists or Quakers - just a few million aging loyalists hanging on and going through the motions."
So great to see you on here again Mac. You're so right, they've already made BIG mistakes ... but are still here. The trick is to brainwash the masses then they will continue to believe anything!!!!!
MacHislopp Re: Will the Governing Body Ever Make a Big Enough Mistake?
Post 1717 of 1717
Since 2/27/2001 -
FatFreek 2005
"Why Haven't They Owned Up To Their Flock?"
"The Great Watchtower Contradiction has gone beyond embarrassment for Watchtower officials. By apologizing now to try to set things straight would bring to the forefront something that most members have never dreamed existed, much less encountered, in their private studies. One expression my Arkansas neighbor would probably choose is, "it's better to let a sleeping dog lie".
Most important, it should call into question every single doctrine that Watchtower has taught and every single Bible Scripture that Watchtower has interpreted within the pages of its vast accumulation of publications for more than 130 years. Many individuals will quickly conclude that Holy Spirit could never have been directing such an organization as its leadership claims. ..." source:THE GREAT WATCHTOWER CONTRADICTION
The above 11 minute essay discusses the 8 separate Watchtower teaching positions on a single doctrine. How is this not a Big Enough Mistake?
What Now? - whilst I genuinely sympathise with your situation, I really think you and your husband need to start formulating an exit strategy to get yourselves and your kid (assuming that's who you meant by your parents' grandson) the hell out of this cult whilst you still have something to salvage. It doesn't need to be anything dramatic - just do it as gently as possible and in such a way that they aren't suspicious that you have become (in their eyes) an "apostate". So long as they think you are just spiritually "asleep", they won't worry too much about you. It is apostates that they have been taught to fear, so never give evidence of any "apostate tendencies" in your discussions with them, and you can't go far wrong.
My reason for this advice is twofold. Firstly, as I've said, the Society ain't going anywhere. I am intrigued as to what they will do as the decades tick by beyond 2014, and the "short period of time" becomes a couple hundred years and counting, but I have no doubt that they will eventually figure out some way of explaining it all away - and the publishers who are around then will buy into their explanation without question. Eventually 1914 will get brushed under the carpet, and any who claim is was once a cornerstone of Witness beliefs will be dismissed as an apostate propagandist. I'm not saying that the future Watchtower Society will have anything like the following or influence that it has now at its 'zenith' - I actually think it is beginning a decline of sorts, and people will begin leaving in droves within my own lifetime as information on their deception becomes more and more freely available. However, there will always be the die-hard supporters around to keep the flag flying, no matter what happens. This leads to my second point...
You can't just think of yourself and your husband in all of this - you also need to think of your kid, of his kids, of his kids' kids. Since I was "awakened" from my Witness faith I've looked more into my family roots, and in particular the way the Witnesses managed to get a foothold in my family generations ago. I consider myself lucky in that I got out relatively young, in my thirties. What about future generations of your family who don't realise that it's all lies until they're too old to make the most of this precious gift called 'life'? That's why, if I ever have children (which I hope I will, if Mrs Cedars will let me) I will be making them abundantly aware of the scourge of cults, particularly the Watch Tower Society, and how narrowly they avoided being in one themselves... and their kids.... and their kids' kids... etc.
WTS will have to make a big change that will shake up the entire society somewhat to post 1975, but you look at that and how many left vs how many remained. 1914 will have to be altered sooner or later unless they tell the followers that the generation can last 1000 years because a day to Jehovah is like a day....... That in itself could shake out some.
In your situation, I would suggest fade. If your family loves the kids the likelyhood of them shunning you are lower. If they shun you, don't allow them to have contact with the kids. That's all I have to say, but you know your family and how they may react. You can also look at past examples of people (family) that left wts or were df and how your family reacted to such will give you a better idea what to expect from them.
P.T.Barnham syndrome. It still works.
What Now?: Do you think the Governing Body will make a major mistake that will open the eyes of most JW’s?
Sadly, NO. They've made plenty of big mistakes already and it didn't "open the eyes of most JW's".
If none of these things are enough to "wake a person up," then nothing would be enough:
- 1914, 1925, 1975, 1995 ....
- WT a NGO of the UN
- Pedophile coverups
- Countless Flip-flopping doctrines:
- Generations x6
- Higher Education
- Oral Sex for Married Couples
- Will the Sodomites be resurrected?
- Superior Authorities
- Medical Issues: Organ transplants, blood tranfusions
- Etc ...
- Memorial Partakers increasing!
- The GB admits is does NOT know who the anointed are! - Question From Readers, w2011 8/15 p. 22
- Revisionist history
- Academic dishonesty and deception
- Orwellian Doublespeak
- Repressively Cultish High-Control policies
- Shunning
- No Dissent Allowed
- No Questioning Allowed
- Behavior Control
- Information Control
- Time Control
- Emotional Control
- Hypocritical failure to acknowledge ANY of these things
- Blame the followers for "misunderstandings"
And I'm sure I missed a few "major mistakes" in my list!
The WBT$ GB can make all the Mistakes they want..
JW`s don`t care..
Those that do care are tossed out..Problem solved..
Hey Mac!..
Nice to see you on the board..