Actually, you are missing the point. You are defining whether or not pedophilia is a 'huge problem' based solely on numbers in relation to other religions.
I would say it is a huge problem but numbers don't tell the whole story
It is impossible to know how many sexual offenders are in any religion that doesn't police their own members as much as the JWs. A family can be nominal Catholics or Anglicans or Muslims. They may only set foot inside their church once a year or maybe never but they would still call themseles whatever. The church in their area may never find out about the allegations because the person isn't involved with the church on a regular basis. Therefore stats will be way off. And since there is no real church involvement by the family the chirch doesn't get involved.
Then we get groups like the JWs or any other cultic group that has a great deal of control over their members. Attendance is pretty much mandated. Policing of activities is very much in effect. If a victim comes forward (or the parent of the victim) the elders will definitely be involved. Their goal is not to help the victim or deal with the accused. They have one goal -- Protect the reputation of the "church" even at the expence of the victims and their families.
Therefore the definition of "huge problem" cannot be based on number of sexual offenders or accused offenders.
I get it that Bowen calls it a huge problem. It is huge. But the reason isn't based statistics as Bowen or others might suggest.
I believe it is a huge problem because these men (and it seems that this crime is perpetrated mostly by men) are not reported to the authorities. They are quietly left in the congregation where they will continue to have access to children. No one is warned there is a predatory in the congregation. If the victim is his own child the poor kid has to go home with him knowing the abuser will be angry that his abuse is out (at least to the elders), the victim now knows he or che cannot look to the elders for help, the victim is warned to be quiet and the abuse continues. The perpetrator now is ensured that he can continue to do what he wants. He just has to make sure his victims will not go to the elders again. So the vicitm has a double gag order. One from the elders who have thrown around worrds like slander, gossip, disfellowship or disassociated (if they aren't baptized) The other gag order is from the perpetrator who now knows he has to enforce the belief in the child that no one will believe them or bad things will happen if they talk. And now that the perpetrator knows he won't be reported he may begin to cast his eye in the direction of other children in the congregation.
And don't forget if too many people in a congregation find out about the abuse all the perp needs to do is move somewhere else. His record might follow him but no one in the congregation will be made aware of the abuse so he now has a whole new congregation of children to prey on.
Sexual offenders need one thing from people. SILENCE. The elders are more than willing to give it to them.
Victims needs more than one thing from people - BREAKING SILENCE is just the beginning . Breaking the silence is the first step towards protecting and supporting the child. This takes effort. It takes time. It takes courage.